Collecting: Signs

I have a thing for interesting signs:
Throughout my home and in our little ranch house, I have collections of interesting graphic signs.
Most that appeal to me have something to do with food. They are the most easily found and are usually the most fun.

I'm not really sure what a fish decoy is...??

I love things with dairy cows and the graphics on this sign are really bold and pretty.

The crackly paint and hand lettering add to the appeal here.

This one used in a family room with a seaside feel.
This is a great collection to start and most smaller signs are usually under $50 dollars. Think of it as original art work and steer clear of reproductions!
1 comment:
  1. i LOVE old signs too...would it be ok for me to blog about some of these photos (w/your credit of course) and add some of my signs too??
    also, i'm SO inspired by the one photo with the subway white tiles in the back of the kitchen shelves...i think i'm going to have to change one wall of my kitchen to look like this.....if i do, i'll blog on that one too and send you the before/after...thx for the inspiration today!!
    i have a new blog i hope you'll ck out too:
    thanks and have a great day!


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