Garden Inspiration: Ojai Update

Welcome Summer
Garden inspiration is all around and I am so happy to have a bit of something on our 1 acre property to actually cut and put in a vase!
My color pallet for this front ( 1/4 acre) of our property is: blue/purple/pink with accent colors of: grey/white/ is a sample:

We are working continually on the site, with the basics of the water feature in the beginning stages above
lets not forget the before: aboveHere is some of our crazy ideas for the fountain, lots of metal and other industrial stuff...not sure!
Just got the sod in on Friday, what a relief!
Here is a view of the stone wall, all done with very little mortar and a whopping 200 feet long, completed about a month ago.
look at before below and after a decent paint job above

We planted two incredible Swan Hill Olive trees along the front of the houseWe also put in a HUGE california pepper in the front area near the street. I can't even tell you how hard this tree was to get over the wall....crazy!
drive way is coming together, it will be a circular gravel drive

The olives are really pretty I think
Inspiration for the garden :

love the Agave

Happy to share, thanks again Artie: Color Outside the Lines

hope you have a great Sunday and happy gardening to all~*~kelley
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  1. Your color scheme for your garden plantings sounds delightful!

  2. All the planting you're doing there Kelley is just fantastic, and look at that wall! It's GORGEOUS! And the fountain feature, great idea. I can't wait to see this when it's all finished and perfect, as I know it will be! Great pictures, too! I just got a new camera, a Sony a200, I'm trying to learn to work with it ... it's been a little difficult! LOL! Hopefully my pictures will start to look a little more professional here shortly! :) Thank you for the inspiration - garden and photos.

  3. Your plantings are terrific. I envy you the olive trees.

  4. I love your stone wall. You have been sooo busy! Thanks for sharing.........Jo

  5. Thanks for all the nice comments...I think you will like the fountain when it is completed, it will be very unusual and sort of "urban farmhouse" inspired! ~*~kelley

  6. It is absolutely gorgeous.I ,too,envy your olive trees.And the stone wall is too die for!
    We're here:

  7. omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it looks so fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am dying of jealousy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a darling darling darling darling (is this enough yet? no? ok) darling darling darling (ok???)

  8. Hi,

    I just found your blog and love it! In fact, I love it so much I became a follower. It's going to be fun to see how your home progresses. I think it looks fabulous!


  9. Gosh all mighty! You guys just made my glad you like the house. Stay tuned for more posts about the progress as we have 3/4 of an acre left. Yikes : ) kel

  10. doing some catch up reading as I like to get up to speed on a blog when I start following.
    GREAT FLOWER PICS - LOTS of work on that yard - whew!

  11. LOVE your driveway and your landscaping! Gravel is the best! I found you on velvet and linen....I was trying to find the sod/driveway combination....maybe this is it!

    Love the olives...they are magnificent! I am subscribing (I mean to ; I hope it works!)

    One word of caution! (I give it because I did it myself!)

    We bought a house in Pasadena (I grew up there....4th generation.....had to have been horse thieves!)

    There was a big oak tree in the front! We changed the area around it from ivy (who wants ivy; right?) to sod: aka lawn.

    About 6 months later: Beautiful oak tree...brown!!!!!! DEAD!!!

    NO WARNING!!!!! No rescuing!

    Lesson learned! Do not plant anything around an oak tree under its canopy (that means the outermost branches....draw line down).that needs water. aka anything except ivy.

    I have left notes in people's mailboxes who buy a house.....think(who wants ivy in my front yard.....or "impatiens would be colorful" or "ferns would look good here!" Oak tree.....often 100-150 years old.....dies. Oak root fungus. anything around the trunk or the crown of the it. I am not making it up!) You have a great oak tree! Please have a really good tree guy look at it!

    What a great job you have done of rescuing a "ranchburger" Magnificent!

    It has become a "ranch house" in the best possible taste.....with your loving care!


    I hope your blog will inspire people to renovate "ranch houses" instead of tearing them down and building "McMansions"!! we need no more of those!

    I am a decorator......(43 years!!) I get calls every now and then......"Can you please make this cosy???")

    Unfortunately; NO.

    Bravo! good job!

    Penny Bianchi

    ps I now live in Montecito.....(we built our house) and we have many oaks.....and no lawn at all!!!!!

    Just a thought! I know you treasure your oaks! I wish someone had told me!

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