The Power of White

Rethinking white: the quiet non color
Some of the more perfect small houses have a common thread...the color white or the lack of strong colors in the design scheme

I have recently rekindled my love affair with white rooms.  While a bold wall color can be really stunning there is an amazing interesting thing that happens in the all white room.  
Edges are sharper and cleaner, and each accessory and object takes on more importance.

The placement of objects and continuous editing seems to be the hallmark of the white room.  It is almost as if the lack of things makes the white space even more appealing and fresh.
Who doesn't love a beautiful white bedroom
Beige as a backdrop to the perfect white chair
Unadorned windows are so appealing and allow the light to flow in a more quiet manner.

The Grey accent is simple and contrasts so beautifully here.
Interiors:  Myra Hoeffer, Ginger Barber, Ken Fulk

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  1. it is an amateur question but i have to ask... do you use the same shade white on floors, walls etc (different finishes of course I would assume for the different surfaces)

  2. Hi Carol, just now commenting, so sorry for the delay. How dumb am I, but I liked this post about white. And my answer is ....."not sure". I have painted an entire home the same color and no one seemed to notice any changes/difference and always loved the feel of the home so....good question!

    xx kelley


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