A new project


These are a few of the elements I will be using for a new project: 

Here is how they look grouped together

Any thoughts?


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  1. * Kelley, THAT is going to be DYNOOOOMITE!!! ... And, "that chair, that chair! My kingdom for that CHAIR!!!"...

    Good going!!!~ Simply yummy!!!

    Linda in AZ *

  2. * Okay, I've had a minute to think about it more... are you "SURE" about those fabric swatches??? I'm not a "pro", BUT, something isn't exactly "working" for me there, like the REST of it all "works"... Plz, don't be upset with me, ok? Just asking an honest question, as I LOVE everything else!
    Linda (again!)...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oops...the phone rang and I hit "post comment" before I finished a sentence. Duh!

    Hate to say it, but I am not too wild about the red and white fabric...it appears to be a bit too "pink" and "gray" (at least in the photos). I love the furniture...and that twig lamp...WOW! Can't wait to see what you do with all of these lovelies!
    Jane (artfully graced)

  5. ~*~*Kelley..WOW..seriously drooling right now!!lol..Love the chair and antique basket~*~:)Rachel

  6. Hi guys...
    Yes, the striped fabric will be part of the project.

    It is old french ticking and will be used either for lamp shades or for pillows. It really is more red than it looks in the photo.

    I did not include the couch because the picture was too blurry but it is a very modern profile and will be done in dark charcoal grey, almost a zinc color.

    Thanks for the comments and I think you will like it when it's done!
    And yes that twig lamp is really great!

    : ) kelley

  7. hi kelley! love it all. the bamboo cabinet is to die for.


  8. Oh, and another thing, I'm really digging that industrial pedestal table. It's kind of dude ranch meets urban loft.

  9. I like it all - but if I had to make a list I think the pillow (not swatches I like those) would be on the bottom.) sorry :-)

  10. My first thought is... I want the basket... I need the basket!!

  11. Is all this good stuff going in your Newport house or Ojai? LOVE all of it...but I'm kinda freaking out thinking about what you're going to do w/ all your current furniture! I am MADLY in love w/ you current stuff. Could you pack it up and ship it across country??? :)

  12. I love all of your comments!!!

    I love to mix it up, as you know....there are some navajo rugs in this room too!

    Are you scared yet?

    Love that idea of dude ranch meets urban loft, very fun or should I say funny!


  13. Hmmmmm...are you recovering the chair???? With the fabric swatches???/ Could you please hurry up and get this done so I don't have to wait in suspense? Just askin.....Diana

  14. Fun!! I love the look!
    Can't wait to see the installation!


  15. Just one word, Kelley......AWESOME!!! LOL!

    xoxo laurie

  16. I love it now that you've added the color of sofa etc!! I can see it all,am digging the lamp,pillow,what color will the walls be?just wondering!! amazing hutch! it rocks! Calinda

  17. Forgot to add that the rug looks exactly like mine that I got from Horchows!! Still love it & have used it in many room!Calinda

  18. WOW - aren't you off to a roaring start?!

    And thanks so much for stopping by La Lamp Shade today!



  19. Hi Kelley, This is fabulous! I know it will be a gorgeous room when you finish.
    xo, Sherry

  20. You can project right on over here at my house if you want ;-)

  21. I LOVE the pedestal table!!! You really make fabulous choices...love them all!

  22. I really want that chair...FABULOUS!!

  23. I once recovered a chair almost exactly that shape with a floral print and striped piping and it was dianomite, all of those are wonderful together. Lots of organic textures, love it all together.


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