Rancho American Style

Lately my flea market shopping 
has been focused on old 
Rancho California style furnishings and collectables from the 1930's
It is an eclectic mix of things that appeal to me 
but the painted and bright pieces are the most sought after by collectors 
 Here are a few of my favorites
Bauer Pottery
Monterey furniture

Malibu tiles and chunky carved wood
Vintage Navajo and Mexican Chimayo rugs

Vintage pottery from Mexico

Spanish Colonial lighting
Anything with the "little sleeping man in the sombrero"
Crackle painted "what nots"

The weird and the simple
Hand painted 
Tile and iron 
Tile and wood
and last but not least...
 fun and simple Equipale seating
I know
quite the mixture...but who said I wasn't brave

I'll show you how I put some of these things together in a room
~have a fun and sunny weekend~

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  1. What's the thing in picture 5? It looks like an old bed that's sort of turned into a bench?

  2. Hi Steve, yes it is a twin bed. That one has a price of $750 while the doubles tend to be around $1200 and up. There are little hand painted children on the posts, as most of these sets where ment to be used for kids rooms.

    The more intact the hand painted finishes the higher the price.
    But I bet you already knew that!

    kelley : )

  3. Boy, did you ever find some gorgeous pieces! I LOVE the orange and turquoise pottery. And the hand painted furniture is wonderful. Congrats of finding your purchases... I look forward to seeing what you do with all of these...
    Jane (artfully graced)

  4. this i gotta see.

    i do love the navajo rugs and the spanish colonial lighting.


  5. Hey now slow down....I said "some" not "all"....but yes it is a bit of a mixture!

    Janet, I love the rugs too...my new favorite thing : )

    and Jane there were many pieces in those photos that were totally out of my league price wise so I found a few compromises, but still with the same idea in my head.

  6. Wow Kelley,

    Can't wait to see what you do with some of these pieces. When I started to look at the pictures it reminded me of Kathryn Ireland and (it's escaped me)but a few posting ago the gorgeous place that was in your area and I think was featured in a magazine. Sorry am being vague, the ol' mind is not working properly, hope you know what I mean!!!!
    Take care
    Tasmania, Australia

  7. Well, how cool is that! You woul LOVE my brother-in-law's house. They have been collecting for years and she has wonderful style! Maybe she'll let me snap a few pics!

    I love the bright colors- not for me to live with- but I love them anyway...

    BTW- I have a free magazine give away going on over at my blog if you are intereste...however, don't think you will find any of this style in that particular mag! Hugs- Diana

  8. Yum....loved lots of this especially the sconces. All of this would look great in that ranch house you showed in your last post.

  9. I especially love the carved bureau/sideboard with the tile top!
    But I inherited a thing for tile from my mother who is a California spirit trapped in a New England body. She ended up roping a California husband and transplanted him to New England where they built the California-style ranch I grew up in- unusual architecture for New England!

  10. Great stuff. Can't wait to see what you do with 'some' of it. ;)

  11. I really liked some of it and didn't like some of it too. I guess that is the way it is with anything. Thanks for commenting on the HB room. It truely is interesting, I like the eyes on the art... something to talk about , it is the element of surprise. I have loved everyone's take on that one space.

  12. What great finds!! I really love the turquoise vases!

  13. Ahhhh, so California!!! I appreciate it all!!

  14. Hi and thanks for all of the great comments. I love to hear what you all think of some of these weird and different things...!

    Here is how I view this type of furniture....
    Use it in weird small doses and in the perfect spot.

    I typically try to buy things when the interest has waned a bit and it is not the hot thing to collect.

    People tend to sell off collections in favor of new trends...
    example: industrial chic stuff, which now is a big yawn, at least for me.

    Ok....more fun ideas on the way, xx kelley ; )

  15. I actually did not mean to use it in "weird small doses"...just small doses.

    so much for spell check....k

  16. Great finds!! I love knowing someone else who collects old Mexican pottery, textiles, chairs.....so much good stuff! Can't wait to see what you do with it all!


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