Ruin: Photographs of a Vanishing America by Brian Vanden Brink


Brian Vanden Brink

Brian is an architectural photographer and 
 his work is serene and beautiful 

If you have an interest in architecture and photography 
this book will surely inspire you.
It is  a compilation of abandoned and forgotten structures 
photographed in both color and black and white.

 These photos remind us of the beauty of the past 
and the need to appreciate, restore and save our historic buildings 

You probably have viewed many of his photos in various other publications and books  such as Coastal Living and Architectural Digest

If you have a blog or like to dabble with photography...take a peek at his

Brians work is very understated and he makes it look
so simple 

I love how the house is framed by the roses in the front

Are you inspired yet?
I am!
  1. YES! How could you not be inspired?

  2. this is floating my boat .... grew up in a rural community such as these images ...
    thanks for the flashback

  3. hi kelley,

    hard not to be inspired. and he does make it look so easy, b/c it ain't.

    my red house is starting to grow on me b/c of images such as his.


  4. Kelly- What a beautiful photo journey. It makes my heart ache to see some of these old buildings falling to the ravages of time and the elements. He is truly an artist.

    I thought Artie did a very nice little write up on you yesterday. Blessings- Diana

  5. Yes Artie is a person whom I admire much and blessings to you too Diana.

    Hi Janet, I did not know you were thinking of repainting?

    This is such a great book, you will love it...xx kelley

  6. My husband showed me his website awhile ago, knowing how much I love architecture. That's great that he's coming out with a book. It should be a new American classic!

  7. Absolutely!!!

    I must see if I can get that book here! Thanks for showing the photo's, all beautiful in their own way and brings home how important it is to preserve. Oh before I go, great article by Artie yesterday!!
    Take care
    Tasmania, Australia

  8. i ALWAYS come to you for inspiration! thanks for sharing this beautiful book!

  9. I adore his work....brilliant!
    I need to get this book...

  10. Excellent.
    I just finished a class called "history of furniture and architecture part II" (took part 1 last summer!) and it made me wonder how the boring- cookie cutter architecture of now would be described in future class. The past held so much more interest - whether one likes it or not you can't deny that it is more interesting than the new homebuilding of today.

  11. Totally inspired!!! Thanks for sharing...
    Jane (Artfully Graced)

  12. am a bit sad my heart is tugging towards those images of abandoned structures.....the first one..oh my how lovely....
    Thank you for the link ...his work is beautiful....

  13. Very inspiring! Makes you want to save all the abandoned ones somehow though.......

  14. Oh, so lovely. There is an abandoned farmhouse near us that I just adore, the sun shines through the windows at sunset, I always wish I was a photographer so I could take a picture of it! Your blog is so beautiful, I am so happy to find you and happy to be your newest follower!

  15. What beautiful and inspiring photos! Thanks so much for sharing them with us!
    I just found your blog and love it... I'm a new follower. :)
    Have a great day!
    ~ Jo


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