The Lavender Garden: Part II


I managed to get all the lavenders in.
These are Lavendula Grosso,  just in case you were wondering.
This particular variety is very easy to grow...even if you have a brown thumb!

It never ceases to amaze me how many crazy big ole rocks there are in the soil in Ojai.
My back was killing me at the end of the day.

When you view this part of the garden from the lawn you immediately notice all of the different garden elements and how there is interplay between them.
We have two bridges going across the creek,
 using the same materials as the grape vine fencing.
Adding some color to the wine barrels will be a nice contrast
 with all of the tall wavy blue lavenders.
The color in the barrels are a pink zonal geranium called: 
 Americana Rose Mega Splash.  It has really bright pink oversized flowers.
The yellow flowers are a Nemesia.  I love them and they grow like a weed in a container!  Neither of these plants require tons of water, and neither does the lavender, so that is an added bonus.
Planting lavenders a bit on the high side actually makes for a healthier plant. 
 I have killed a few because they hate being overly wet.
There are a variety of natural willow elements in the garden too.  
Some support vegetables like peppers and cucumbers.
I have used similar willow fencing around the English Rose garden which is to the very right in the photo below.  They haven't had a first bloom yet,
 maybe in a week or so.

Using these tall willow tuters is a nice addition to the barrels.
I haven't found the right vine to climb up and around the framework yet, but I have a few ideas that might work.
I really don't mind them as a garden element with nothing on them actually.
 They are rustic and simple and wonderful for a country garden.

We are really looking forward to seeing these tall fragrant plants
 when they are fully grown.  
And can you imagine how happy the bees are going to be?!

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  1. Very nice gardens!!! I love lavender and can even get a nice smell out of them from last year as I walk by. It's been a rough winter on some of the plants with all of the snow. Winter just won't let go! Looking orward to the 60 degree weather tomorrow and to do some gardening too! Thanks for sharing your photos! :)Alyssa of Boston Bee

  2. Kelley--Can you tell me where you found those willow tuters? I am hoping a mail order catalog but maybe I will be able to find something like that in my garden center. I have a dark green metal one but would love something like the willow for my containers at the new place.

  3. I love the contrast of the organic lines of the lavender beds against the linear stone beds. That's really beautiful.

    I can't wait to see how this looks in the few years!

  4. What a gorgeous garden! We are moving from a zone 7-8 area, to a zone 3-4 area, so I am going to have to get creative with my garden! I am so sad to not be able to grow lavenders in our new home. I'll have to do some more research-perhaps there is a cold tolerant variety out there afterall??!!

  5. Maybe it's just the time of day that you are photographing, but it looks like your lavender's are in dappled sunlight/shade? After seeing reference to this variety on your blog, I've been buying the entire stock of Whole Foods out weekly (not the most ecconomical, I know!) and lining all the walkways on our property with it. I'm in heaven-- butI thought they needed full sun. I have some shadier spots that I'd love to plant with the Grosso for consistancy. If you have a minute could you share some details about the growing conditions (other than fairly dry) these plants like?

  6. Oh Kelley....your thumb is NEON green girlie!! Love looking at your pics of your garden. So beautiful. I too would love to know if you made those trellis' or purchased them?? Have you thought of climbing nasturtiums? They are pretty low maintenance, self see and grow happy and wild :) Im thinking a pop of orange or yellow would look lovely with all the purple from the lavender..


  7. I honestly LOVE your garden and style! What a great looking garden, I now have something to strive toward. Will you marry me?? (just kidding... unless you are contemplating it and then we can talk :)


  8. i cannot wait to see this in a few months. egad it is gorgeous kelley. you gots the touch.


  9. Holy Moly!!! What a beautiful, beautiful garden!
    Have been looking back and forth at your pictures. Looks amazing!

  10. OK so here are a few answers to your questions.
    I took these photos in the afternoon but the weather in general here in Ojai is ideal for lavender. It's very hot in the summer time and tends to be dry. That is why citrus, avocado and grapes grow so well here too.
    Hot days/cool nights. Just a side note: Lavender plants fizzle out after a few years and they need a big time pruning in the fall in order to flower again so sometimes they look a bit haggard.

    Great Idea on the nasturtiums Lolo!

    The willow tuters came from a company called Master Garden Products. It's a cool little site full of information and stuff to purchase. Just google it.

    Oh and Rondee, I'm already married, at least I was as of this morning!

    Thanks for the wonderful comments!


  11. I'm in love. I will be using this idea some time--in fact, I think I'll hang my clothes line just over the lavender beds!

    @Andrea: I live in a zone 4 and grow beautiful lavender here. My mom has some plants that are 15-20 years old so maybe the cold tolerant ones don't "fizzle out" like those grown in the warmer climates.

  12. I had to save pictures of this garden.. it is gorgeous and I would love to do something similar here in west central Georgia... first off though, what kind of grass is that? (yeah i am starting from the bottom up!) I love your blog!! Keep up the great job!

  13. What a gorgeous garden you have! I so enjoyed seeing all of the beauty - a feast for my soul!

  14. You learn somethin' new...

    Willow tuters, for example. Never heard of them in my life! But they are so pretty!
    One question. Are you sore after planting all that lavender?

  15. Yea! A garden post! So excited that you finished the planting! Oh, and I also love the pots with tuteurs! I found some metal ones with birds the other day but I am loving the willow ones you have too! Can't wait to hear what you plant on yours! Thanks for the glimpse into your garden!

  16. I love your looks so cool and inviting. But I am wondering if you do the river rock at the base of your trees, for aesthetic reasons, or is there another reason for doing this ?

  17. Love your willow tuters! They are so sculpturally pretty even without anything on them. I can only imagine how beautiful they'll be with some climbers. Thanks for sharing.

  18. What an amazing yard and garden, Kelley! Did you design that all from scratch?? It's just beautiful!!!!!! Thanks for your tips on lavender. I've got a couple that I'll be replacing this year because they're looking a little haggard, and now I know to plant them a tad high. :) Thanks for the breath of spring today! And have a blessed Easter!

    xoxo laurie

  19. I can't wait to see this in August! It will be like "A Secret Garden" of my favorite stories. I hope that you are on a local garden tour because this should be shared. Fantastic job.

  20. That garden is much hard work! It really is going to be beautiful in a few months when it all start filling out!

  21. Kelly, not only are you an incredible interior designer - you can do a seriously gorgeous garden. OMG - you will have some happy bee's no doubt! Lori

  22. Kelley, Your garden is fabulous and I love every single detail! The stone raised beds and the tuters are wonderful. The entire design is gorgeous.

  23. Your garden is simply beautiful! What an amazing, peaceful view. There are going to be some very happy bees back there!

  24. Kelley,
    I love the way this turned out! It's so inspirational...I'm working in my garden this weekend! I will also look into the willow tuters...those really add to the overall interest in the space. Love the wine barrels and what you've planted so far.

  25. I went to the Master Garden Products site....what you refer to as willow tuters, do they call it willow teepee?
    Your garden is breathtaking! Hope to see more pictures of it at a later date :).

  26. Your garden looks so great...I can't wait to plant some more lavender...just waiting for some nice weather...and some sun.

  27. Those Geraniums remind me of "Martha Washingtons" which love.
    The Lavender did turn out quite nice and of course the whole garden has really come into it's own!!

  28. Absolutely beautiful! I love your garden elements as much as the beautiful lavender. I also had lavender when I lived in Ojai but it doesn't do as well further south along the coast,I guess because it's not as dry. I miss it terribly so I am really enjoying your photos. I am positive your back is aching but it will be so worth it. Gorgeous!


  30. I love the tuteurs but don't see them online at garden supply? Any other suggestions where I might find some? Thank you! Gorgeous garden!


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