Can you do Modern?

This house was completed in 1980 
by well known iconic architect John Lautner

It sits on the South bayfront on Balboa Island in Newport Beach.

I have walked or jogged by this house many times and always wondered what it must look like on the inside.  

Usually the drapery is closed and it seemed to be a bit out of place actually, surrounded by seaside cottage homes.
It is currently listed for sale, so lets take a look inside.

 Mr Lautner was an apprentice to Frank Lloyd Wright for 6 years and in 1937 supervised two of Wrights projects.  
He was one of the original group of  Wrights Tallesin Fellows.

Two years later he established his own practice 
And went on to design for over 55 years until his death in 1994. 
  Many famous landmark properties in Los Angeles and Palm Springs bear his signature style which embraces the spacial  relationship between shelter and nature.
 Lautners work is often compared with the work of his master, Frank Lloyd Wright, which he was reluctant to accept because of his devotion to Mr Wright.

That floating staircase is amazing!
 This property, the "Rawlins House",
 has 3 bedrooms and two bathrooms and 2550 square feet of interior space.

This house is often referred to as "the most urban of Lautners houses"
which I suppose means it is more fitting for a traditional urban setting
 The home features sweeping view of Newport Harbor and the peninsula beyond.
The photo above is the master bedroom and
 probably the most private room in the house.
  The massive glass walls are really impressive, both from the front of the property and obviously from the interior.
There is extensive use of raw undiluted materials,
 such as concrete, copper, steel and douglas fir,
 The  furniture seems to have been chosen with great care.
If you are into cozy I doubt this would be your choice 
but then again, if this home was mine
 I could learn how to be a true modern minimalist!

well maybe not

 I suppose living in one of these homes could be a bit overwhelming 
and maybe even a bit intimidating.

It will be interesting to see who buys it!

 When you get bored looking at the harbor,
 you can hop on your electric Duffy boat
and head off harbor-side for cocktails and seafood....

One can dream right?

one last thought:
 where did Mr Lautner hide the kitchen?

Have a happy and sunny weekend!
  1. I love this house. I was surprised to see that it was completed in 1980 because it has a distinct mid-Century look and feel. I recently saw Moby's Hollywood castle in the NY Times and the guest house was designed by Lautner. Thanks for sharing it!

  2. OOOO! So fun to see inside this iconic Newport landmark! Marge...Lautner or Rawlins?? passed away about a year or so ago. She was also such an institution. Remember the signs in her flower garden right there in front of the tile patio that said "...say hi to Marge!"? The story goes that her husband 'built' the house and it was supposed to look like a whale's mouth...Newport myth?...who knows. It has definitely been refurnished and styled for the listing. I do hope someone who will respect this property will buy it...

  3. I so love Balboa Island - I would be so happy to live there... Gorgeous view from this house & although the style of it is not my taste, it is visually stunning.

  4. Hi there: must be a local!!!!

    I have heard that story too but thought it might just be a myth too. I actually think the house was commissioned.

    But every one has their own idea about what the exterior represents.

    So here is my take, with no offense to Mr Lautner...I think it looks a bit like Marvin the Martian's Helmet! (from Looney Toons)

    I know right!

    That's all folks


  5. ...forget the kitchen...where are the bathrooms...and how big are their windows...

  6. Hi Laney..good question. Probably not all that impressive and not on the list of things that wel are interested in.

  7. I grew up going to Balboa frequently and lived there for a year as a college student -- I've always loved this house, though I don't know that I'd like living in such a fishbowl -- everyone who walks by peers inside! But what a view out all those windows! I no longer live in Southern California and miss Balboa every summer.

  8. Lovely home! The view is amazing! Enjoy the gorgeous week ahead, Kellie xx

  9. This is a beautiful piece of sculpture with fantastic views, but as a home it is totally devoid of warmth.

  10. It is well done and I can appreciate it, but not for me. Totally agree with Victoria, no warmth or feeling of "home".

  11. Probably just a coincidence but I just today read in Elle about Courtney Cox's new home and she said she was selling her previous home (one of many I am sure) because it was right on the beach and designed by Lautner - check it out - could it be the same house?

  12. GREAT post! Love both Wright and Lautner!!


  13. I could live in anything with that view and a boat out front!!!!

  14. What fun to have a peek inside. The views are breathtaking.

  15. So surprised to see a house like this in Balboa! Very groovy. Love it...hmmm. Make me want a wood ceiling in our house : )

  16. Beautiful home! I could see living in a modern home someday, but not with my kids now. Those floating stairs are gorgeous, but they'd be a disaster waiting to happen with my boys. Those glass walls and the view are stunning, but would be marred by constant hand and nose prints. Still, I do love looking. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Hmmmmm-the view is amazing! the interiors would be challenging but could be unbelievable.

  18. I would not live in it "as is" even for the view. I don't think I could ever be happy with Modern design, inside or outside. Interesting though. P.S. I can't sign in ... vicky from Room service

  19. Masculine...great fun, but I'm not :)

  20. I do like modern to some extent, but house this leaves me cold. The view however? Worth every penny!

  21. I love the use of natural materials and I love the view but too much of a fishbowl. Pick this house up - put it high on a cliff's edge on the sea and now we're talking!


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