The Vintage Modern Bathroom: number 2

When I first started thinking about this bathroom...the second one, 
and the one that is the most visible and will get the most use... 
I thought about going with a big statement sink.
This sink from Kohler is actually a utility sink from the Harborview collection.

Going through all of my old files,
 I came across this wonderful soft bathroom 
and thought maybe this would work

  simple and subtle

 And then I remembered this bath room done by designer Ginger Barber
I love this bathroom!

I definitely want some vintage
A basin sink of some sort

Some really cool and simple lighting

Maybe some jadeite green 
and an interesting tile layout on the floor
 Then I found this old farm table
Great old paint and wonderful patina...the perfect place to start

So here is how the bath room components will work together
here is what is left of the original bathroom

Don't you just love the before pictures?

My back porch looks like a land fill...
Hey where's my dumpster?

Ok now we're talking

Gotta love a turquoise dumpster right?

off to the dump we go

wish me luck

  1. Kelley,
    You're totally killing me. I can't believe the same wavelength that we're on. Those are the same exact two light fixtures I picked for my bathroom and for above my kitchen sink (the black ones). I'm looking for something on wheels with a square basin on the top for the bathroom sink. I can't get a vintage safe out of mind but the plumbing would be ridiculously difficult. It's really unbelievable! Maybe you're a long lost relative?

  2. We were separated a birth Steve!

    A safe? Are you sure you want to lock up the TP?

    xo kelley

  3. Love the old farm table the patina is PERFECT

  4. that little table. It is the perfect place to start. This will be a great bathroom.

  5. Luck & Laughter!!! LOL!
    It will be perfect!!!

  6. Whew! Looks like a mess, but the after will be fabulous. Love, love the little table!

  7. Great huge pile of tear outs. Really looking forward to the next posting on your renewed bathroom.
    - Joy

  8. Oh, I can tell that this is gonna be fabulous!

  9. Ok, so it's only partially because the items you showed were gorgeous ... but mostly because you're AMAZING!!!! that I know this bathroom is going to be stunning! Can't wait to see it come together!

  10. Love the mood board you created! That old table is just perfect. You don't even have to change out the knob, just a coat of wax and done. Love the river rock towel hooks you found! Can't wait to see this bathroom come together.

  11. Love that little table...and can't wait to see what you will do with it (and the rest of the bath).I'm beginning to think I need you to come here to plan my guest bath. Right now the walls are crawling with lizards, snakes, frogs and bugs...not the real stuff...painted. My boys wanted this funky decor. (They even glowed in the dark!) Now it's time for a change...I'm thinking WHITE sounds good.

    Stop by AG for my "crabby" giveaway...

  12. Remodeling the bathroom is the most fun part. I have the tub you show in your photos and it's "the bomb". Good luck!

  13. I agree your new bath will be incredible. Love the rustic charm.

    Have a lovely weekend!

  14. Hank U

    kelley : )

    The potty room is being put together as I's quite wonderful!

  15. awesome! and I love the river rocks hooks too!

  16. love the table cannot wait for the reveal!

  17. Very fun stuff. I am in the middle of a mini bath redo and just made a plank counter top. I am on the hunt for a vessel faucet and like very much the one you share.


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