Flowers and Friends


 Last week I started going through some of my older blog posts,
 and realized how many photos I have posted of flowers!
 Maybe it's because flowers are so interesting
and everyone loves them so much...
they stay still too and love to have their picture taken

 Most, if not all of the photos,
 are things that I have grown in my garden
 Including the occasional veggie...which are also fun to photograph

 Lemons and lavender...what a great combination of color and scent
 and of course roses
 and them 

 and hydrangeas them too
 and sweet peas...the smell is heavenly
 Below is the garden from the movie
"It's Complicated"
I love how they mixed the flowers into the vegetable garden
Flowers are friends really...I don't have a favorite or a BFF
 "best flower friend"
....couldn't even begin to pick one
 they are all wonderful

 wonderful dried or covered with rain
 So here is where the friend part comes in again...
blogging friends...I have made so many!
 A wonderful blogger Jane 
stops by often and always leaves wonderful comments.
She even shared a great recipe for Marinara sauce with me 
when I had hundreds of tomatoes.
 But I was so amazed when she took the photo above 
and painted the lovely oil below
Thank you for sharing this with me Jane
and please visit her to see more of her work

Have a great weekend 
your flowers and friends

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  1. You take gorgeous photos of lovely things! Have a wonderful weekend~~Ciao!

  2. How sweet of Jane! Love this blog world :) And I LOVE seeing all the "fruits" of your labor in your garden!!
    ps - that blue metal table is FAB my friend!!

  3. Beautiful photography Kelley! I agree, the subject matter is perfect. Flowers and fruit. I call it "still life!" You've captured not only the colors, but the light as well. Gorgeous! ~Delores

  4. I love your flower photos, and of course your veggie photos too! When I look through my blog posts I notice lots of flower pictures too, so I guess flowers are my BFFs too! The picture Jane painted is amazing!

    Kat :)

  5. oh my goodness, I am drooling over those old jars that contain peanuts and red licorice in one of your photos! So cool!! And the favorite. Your photos are gorgeous!

  6. Beautiful colors! I'm heading to Farmers Market first ting in the a.m.! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  7. Such beautiful photos! Your gardens are just so lovely, as are the gardens that inspire you! Love the new oil painting! Jane is so talented! I think this is one of those moments when you can emphasize that "blogging friends are real friends."

  8. Wow, those peonies in the beginning are breathtaking! Beautiful flowers and photos! :)

  9. Your images of flowers are so wonderful and always provide me inspiration to get outside and trim, weed, even photograph my garden. Thanks so much. Happy June.

  10. Kelley, oh you make me miss living in California! I can't grow roses or citrus where I live and seeing your gorgeous pictures makes me a bit "home" sick. Thank you for sharing!

  11. Gorgeous. I LOVE the orchid shot!

  12. What beautiful (and inspiring!) photos! Those peonies are spectacular! Thank you for your kind words...I love the blogging "friends" we make, too. And it's amazing how so many of these friends overlap... get back to work. There's a blue bucket in these photos that is calling me....

  13. Such beautiful flowers and photos! I can't pick a favorite either. But, what a sweet and thoughtful gift from jane! That's a treasure.

  14. Hi there...just thought I should tell every one that the first two photos are actually David Austin roses. They look just like a peonies but come in so many wonderful different colors and they scent is amazing!

    I read somewhere that this is the most requested flower/rose for brides. You can see why...they are spectacular!

    thank you for all of the happy and fun comments!

    xo kelley

  15. What a lovely post; I have truly enjoyed it! Your photos and home are just beautiful... I shall come back!


  16. Wow! What a great blogging year for you! The Lettered Cottage feature, the fun curtains, and now lovely artwork! Fun, fun!

  17. I was going to ask you about the roses and I see they are David Austin! They do remind me of peonies and being back east. I'm going to have to try them, beautiful. I would say those photos are enough to inspire a painting too. Love the orange painting.

  18. Great picture Jane did for you!...your flowers & vegtables are stunning and your pictures wonderful!

  19. Thanks for clarifying the rose/peony question...The peony season was incredibly short for both me (Boston area) and my mother (60 miles north in NH)due to an un-seasonable early heatwave - it made them come and go in a few short days. meanwhile the roses are coming on early and with a vengeance here in New England. And we just finished visiting a "Lupine" festival in the rain this past weekend WAY UP NORTH in New Hampshire.But that is the thing flowers and veggies are still beautiful in the rain!

  20. I love flowers too and I never tire of looking at them:)
    your photographs are just beautiful!

  21. I never tire of seeing anything you post Kelley...your's all beautifully inspiring.

  22. I am always so inspired when I visit you!!! Your gardens are always so very beautiful::)

  23. Just beautiful! I love to see your garden!

    I have loads of tomatoes coming out of my garden right now...have you tried that marinara recipe? Would you share?



  24. What a gifted gardener you are! I love your unique tablescapes..


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