"POP UP" mudroom details

No,  those are not the ones in my laundry room...but aren't they interesting?

Find them here

I really doubt my collection will get much bigger...but ya never know, right?!
moving right along...
 into the land of tide and basil...
I really am a true Mrs Meyers junky...
I love the stuff
Old vintage jars are great for storing  
powdered detergent and Oxy clean
Another item in the mud room that is indispensable for us
is this great orchard rack from Gardeners Supply
It not only stores fresh things like tomatoes, squash and apples, but I use it to store onions, garlic and potatoes too

This is some sort of a message board
and I stuck in a few vintage seed packets for fun
The graphics are really interesting

 I am never with out 
 "Boat and Totes" from LL Bean

Here  is my storage solution for the rest of the pantry...
this is metro shelving from the Container store

You can add shelves as needed
and they offer these great zippered canvas covers
as a solution to hide the clutter 
I used 4 of these in all...
when we get ready to do cabinets in here
these will work in the garage or as additional storage someplace
Over the washer and dryer I added a stainless shelf from Danver
and hung
those great prints from artist Doug Strickland

Does the Mrs Meyers label somehow  match Doug's work?

I think it does....how funny!

On top of the washer and dryer 
is a stainless top from John Boos for folding laundry

Yes, that is a vintage laundry cart...it actually gets used!
OK, I think I've spent enough time 
on the "POP UP" laundry/mudroom

Next project....barn wood!

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  1. Love all the little details in your mudroom! Love that orchard rack! Seems like such a useful piece. I had no idea that John Boos made steel tops, too. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Love everything in the room! I especially like the orchard rack...brilliant!

  3. Kelly, Love your ideas. Everything in the room looks great. The orchard rack is brilliant.

  4. Hello Kelley

    Oh it's so nice your laundry room...
    so pretty & practical.
    I LOVE that vintage laundry cart ;-)
    And the orchard shelving where you store all your wonderful bounty from the garden ;-)
    Thank you for sharing

  5. How beautiful and very inspirational.

  6. Kelley,
    I had never heard of John Boos...but i'm so glad you shared the link....we're about to add some stainless in our kitchen and i'll have to ck the site out....
    Ojai is looking great!

  7. Kelley,
    How nice to have an indoor laundry room, ours is in the garage (thank you tract architects of 1968!). I confess, I'm late to the party but bought my first Meyers product, I understand the enthusiasm---I'll be branching out with dish soap next, the counter spray has won my working hands. :-)
    You always give such good ideas and simple solutions. I really like the stainless top for the front loading washer/dryer and the garden rack. The mudroom looks great.

  8. What a wonderful laundry room you have. I love all the vintage touches, my fav the vintage laundry cart... hugs ~lynne~

  9. Kelley....I loved your laundry room in your previous home and can't beleive that I love this one just as much....if not more....I am thinking of adding a work space over my washer and dryer and am wondering how your stainless steel table is hung....

    Thanks....for more inspiration..

  10. Your laundry room looks AWESOME!! It would be a very cozy place to do laundry. Now, I have what is probably a REALLY SILLY QUESTION, but why do you use Tide and Mrs. Myers laundry detergent???

  11. Hi and thanks you for the great comments....you guys don't miss a thing!

    Ok so here are some additional facts. The washer and dryer were in the garage but we had extra room when we pulled out all the cobbled together cabinets and stuff. It was actually pretty easy to move the plumbing so that worked out great.

    And yes....I use Tide. The only Mrs Meyers product that I don't really like is the laundry detergent. It just doesn't get the clothes that clean. Our clothes are usually so covered with dirt and grime from working in the yard that I have to throw in everything I can think of to get them clean. So Tide is my go to product.....Do you have a favorite?

    As for the stainless top...it is actually sitting on the top of the washer on some little pads. It weighs a ton so it doesn't move around. But you can buy legs for the tables which are great. It would be nice on casters too!

    And finally...the orchard rack is wonderful. I need to find some little casters for it though because when its full it is really heavy and we need to move it around.

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

    Have a great xoxo kelley

  12. Can you tell us more about your Mrs Meyers addiction since I've never heard of the stuff? Love the wooden rack which will make a nice present for my gardening hubby...the very same guy who is impossible to buy Christmas presents for. Thanks so much on both counts!

  13. Go glad you shared I am in such need for some laundry room inspiration. You did wonderful, I love the top of the W & D. Cute idea to show the wisk brooms, I will be sure to check out the site. I am always so jealous when folks talk about The Container Store and Ikea...we haven't either.
    Thanks for sharing. Kathy

  14. I am glad I am doing some catch up reading today because I got to read all the great comments and your reply to them answering some of the same questions I had. So I will only say this I LOVE that orchard rack and can think of so many things to do with it - especially drying sweaters and such - do you think it would work for that? Also I am reminded by your great laundry room how much I regret not buying a front-load washer 6 years ago when we were remodeling as I could really use the extra space on top for folding clothes etc in my tiny laundry room.

  15. Love your laundry room....Your whisk brooms are adorable and just love your laundry basket.....I am now a follower of your blog.

  16. How do you open and close the window without having to rearrange the brooms? The idea is adorable but I'm a bit concerned. Thanks for sharing.


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