Bringing the Outside In

There are many things to dislike about living in California but one is definitely NOT the weatherI have been contemplating this project for the last year and finally decided to "get on with...

Added to the bucket list

 a few more little bucket lamps for the breakfast room these ice cream buckets are painted a wonderful aqua/teal green you may not remember my other bucket projects so here...

Popped up!

 a little sun and a little rain and look what popped up dozens of bulbs were planted starting in October and the first guys "up" were these the fox gloves are just...

Guest Blogger Post

I recently wrote a post about my friend and blogger Kat Warrenread it again hereShe is an amazing photographer, stylist and avid blogger She asked me if I would like to write a guest post for her...

The Kitchen Considered: Chapter 1

A kitchen renovation is right around the cornerso here are a few inspiring kitchensI apologize for not having the name of the people or publications involved with these photos, but most...