The condo is least for now!


 Well...I suppose I'm about done.
There isn't much space left and my budget is about shot...
 But I wanted to share s a few of the unique things that make this space interesting.  The first item is this great curly willow table.  
I have my blogging friend Steve to thank....thanks Steve!  
You can read Steve's amazing and creative blog here.  He is renovating a historic cottage in Boston and every post is will love it!

 The red Chinoise lamp shade ties the colors together from other items in the room.  I'm really not a red person but for what ever reason I have used red throughout this project and I really like it. 

 The original inspiration for the color palette 
came from vintage Navajo weavings and rugs
The grey and red are wonderful together and it seems to disguise the beige and yet work with it too. 

 The vintage coffee table trunk is covered in a pumpkin colored canvas.  

I had a similar trunk that I sold with our house and I loved I was surprised when I found a couple more .  I like the rope handles too
 The zebra rug is brown instead of the usual black and the woven jute rug I got at for about $200 dollars!   It is the perfect rug for layering with other rugs and it is really soft. 
You can find it here

 This is the metal chaise with some vintage pillows and  french textiles.

 One of the nice surprises about this space is the sun just pours through the doors  and reflects off of the bay to the South.  I took off the big shutters and used simple unlined linen for some privacy but we mostly keep the drapery open.

 This tall stool is an old sculptures stool and is covered in drips and splats....great patina!

A vintage Swiss Army blanket for a throw
More of the usual suspects...buckets
 I loaded this old shopping cart with vintage french baguette bakery baskets
 And of course my new collection of shovels...weird I know!
 So I'm done
 I probably will search for some vintage signs or maybe breakdown and purchase a wonderful Navajo rug...they are so pricey I haven't had the guts yet!

Note to self....get some guts!


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  1. Kelley,
    I TOTALLY LOVE how this came out!! I thought the curly willow table would be perfect for Ojai but you've used it beautifully in this space. It's got a little bit of an Out of Africa vibe that I'm really digging. YOU ROCK!

    I guess now that it's done, it's time to move?


  2. I'm in Love with this room. It's really cool and unexpected.

  3. how do I love thee condo ... let me count the hundreds of ways!

  4. Oh Kelley, I just love that blue stool and the Army blanket and the lovely pressed flowers in the frames. It looks great and I would never have guessed it was a condo even though I already knew. If you hadn't reminded me, I wouldn't have realized it. I say, go for the rug.

  5. Hi Kelley, this looks so incredibly homey and inviting. The brown zebra is fun and the botanicals are faantastic, I never tire of a look like that. Cool table, too. I agree with the comment above, I'd never guess this was a condo!

  6. I love everything but really really love the 21 pictures on the wall... if you ever want to sell them.. think of me first!

    gorgeous space and much different than your last...

    Oh and I love the little dog statues!!

  7. Love thezebra & the table!! you have definitely put your touch on your new home!! ok, I love it all!! xoxo's Nancy

  8. Im lovin the Zebra rug the pillows on the sofa and the two side chairs!

  9. WOW Kelley! WOW!

    It's gorgeous! I knew that it would be! :) I'm IN LOVE with all of the layers (of course) and those chairs are stunning! :) STUNNING! I love it!

    When will you uncork the wine? I'll do anything to get away from this snow!

  10. Kelley, it's truly fabulous! You took what was a bit of a sterile space and turned into one full of personality(yours), character, and nicely done! I love how you incorporated all of the gardening touches...something that is so dear to your heart right there with you in your living space, love it!
    xo J~

  11. Kelley---Who are you kidding? You will NEVER really be done! You are just at a resting have more shovels to buy and more baskets to find and...and...well, you know! I love, love, love what you have done! It really feels like "home" now. I know it was a while coming but it was soooo worth the wait. Hugs-Diana

  12. What a wonderful job you did!! I love it ALL! I really love your mix of color, texture, old things and new - but mostly the old. Thanks for the tour!!

  13. Kelley - what an interesting, unique, and beautiful room! I adore all the textures and colors! You did a wonderful job on decorating it, friend! :)

    xoxo laurie

  14. everything looks so great and cozy, so found over time. I love how eclectic it looks. you are one of my new favs!
    d e n i s e

  15. HI ! It is a really cozy space and we love coming back after a weekend of dirt work!

    Love to all our and old....xo...kelley & greg

  16. Kelley, The room is unique and beautiful! I love all the details and pops of color.

  17. Love it Kelley!;) Looks so cozy and inviting yet chic! Hugs,Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425

  18. Somehow NanaDana up there ahead of me said it best...who are you kidding...done for today, this week, but I am sure that you will continue to move things around...lets be real....that is what is so fun. Being done is not!!!
    I LOVE it though........I don't even know you but somehow it is you....does that make sense?

  19. Looks great Kelley....looks like a page out of Sundance catalog!
    Hopefully I'll finish typing my blog post today....I'll be featuring the unlined linen curtains, but I also will have these very cool linen trunks that are sooooo you!! I want them too, but when I saw them I thought you need them in the new condo....maybe in another room?
    Ck it out later.....
    Post is "shifting into neutral"...

  20. What an eclectic, fun room! The twig table is just wow. Have a couple old twig pieces myself and the hubby hates them. Had a visiting pouch even chew on a piece! Your spots of red look great in the room. My fav color. Peggy

  21. Well, I just love it all and I totally echo everyone's comments above. Just wonderful, it must feel really nice to walk in the door and come home. And, isn't that what it is really about?

  22. Wow! Your condo turned out great. I love the textures and colors. Love those chairs. Really wonderful.

  23. wonderful for the eye & soul!! I'm just thinking I need to edit my collections and special things then you come along & confirm that that does not have to be!! Thank you. Always an inspiration! Always fun!xoCO

  24. I love the red - It might just be my computer monitor but I think the red draws out some warm tones in the paint making it feel less bland!

    PS are you sure that table is curly willow and not "harry Lauder's Walking Stick tree" ? ;-)

    (LOVE it by the way!)

  25. This all looks great. I love the curly willow table and the turquoise container on the chest. Love the dog collection also. But I want to see more of the chairs painted white and with grain sack upholstery. Can we see those up close?

  26. I love that vintage coffee table trunk, it look so lovely.


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