Blogging Brain Freeze


 Every now and then it happens:

"blogger brain freeze"

I just can't seem to write anything....
and I feel a bit crazy with other commitments

 all of which are good,
 but take time.

Honestly, I thought I would run out of things to talk about,
  a year and a half ago.

But this month I have,
  hit the wall....

So I will resort to giving you a great little recipe
 for my favorite
 "go to" 
easy vinaigrette!

I am not a great cook by any means,
 but I enjoy cooking....

Use this at your own risk!

 A simple salad, paired with a rustic asparagus tart,
 which you can get the recipe for here
makes for a wonderful dinner or lunch

 I simplified the tart recipe,
 but there are tons of simple tarts like this,
 in just about every good cook book
 I spin my garden greens 
at least a couple of times in a salad spinner
and usually wash them again, right before I make a salad.
I am totally organic in the garden 
so we have lots of visitors...
little bugs and dirt!

Meyer Lemon 

In a bowl or a jar combine:

zest from 1 lemon, meyer preferably (they are sweet)
juice from 1 lemon
3 tbl olive oil
1 tsp of your favorite vinegar ( I like balsamic)
pinch of salt and some pepper to taste
1 garlic clove passed through a garlic press 
or 1 shallot finely minced ( I prefer the shallot)
1 tsp mayo
1 tsp Dijon mustard


 use for your salad 
or any other veggie

it's good on warm things too!

I want to take a minute  too
to thank you 
for all of the great comments that you leave
All of which I read and love!

I have not been able to devote as much time to the blog this last few weeks
 So I apologize  for missing some things.

back soon...I promise

with more good juicy stuff to talk about



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  1. We all need a break here and there ... I hit that wall sometimes and I've only been doing it for six months! We'll be here no matter!

  2. I think we all get the bloggin brain freeze ever now and again. I have many times but I call them blog farts. Sorry!

    This recipe sounds so yummy! Your tart looks amazing. I'll be putting this in my recipe file right now!


  3. Kelley,

    You are the third blogger this week I've come across to hit the wall. You know I love your blog. It is my absolute favorite. Don't know what else to say, but I hope you keep it up even if you take a little break now and again.


  4. Hi Kelley- Well, you may have hit a wall but I have confidence that you will scale that wall and find all kinds of things to blog about. You just have so much going on all the time that I think it is hard to slow down enough sometimes to just let yourself catch up.

    I haven't had a garden in so many years and this does make me long for fresh picked greens! Hugs- Diana

  5. I hit blogger brain freeze quite often! Your recipe looks wonderful though, and tells me that your are still in your creative mode! I'm sharing this recipe with my son Aaron who is the master of the vinaigrette and in love with Meyer Lemons! ~Delores

  6. Hi Kelley! Your blog is always such a treat, we never would have had any idea of your brain freeze had you not mentioned it. Your photos are so great, that asparagus tart makes my mouth water! Gorgeous! Your dressing is a MUST DO!
    No pressure, we love whatever you have to give.
    Hugs, Chris

  7. Kelley! Take a break and relax...we'll be here when you get back. :)

    I worked in IT w/ clients all over the world and I often felt a "disconnect" through the electronic medium at if I wasn't helping or inspiring anybody, or making a difference. So I guess I understand that you don't feel you've "got anything at the moment"...but YOU DO! People are finding you every day and loving you through your blog. You are making others lives inspired, creative, and down right better.

    -P.S. If you need to "unfreeze" I've got a whole list of your previous teases (you're good at that...grrr :) ).

  8. You and I are in the same boat, and because of that, I'll let you be my first mate. We'll sail away somewhere out in the vast waters to the Land of Internets and find our muse. It's been difficult to come up with fascinating tid bits to share when my mind is completely focused on Kitchen Remodel. Thanks for the vinaigrette! Cheers!

  9. I don't blog and am always amazed that you girls do as much as you do! If you feel like you have to do it, then it won't be fun. Like one of the gals said - take a break, we'll be here when you have something you want to share! Can't wait to see your next decorating project. Dieting and tired of my vinaigrette - can't wait to try yours tonight!

  10. I've been in that boat myself and have found a break helps replenish the creative juices. Your blog is wonderful and I'm certain something will trigger your imagination before long.
    Have a nice cruise with the above friend and when you get "home" tell us about it.

  11. I think it's good to declare that you're taking a little break to take the pressure off. I found that ideas started to flow when I stopped thinking I "HAD TO" post something.

    You know, I don't think we can get Meyer lemons this time of year. I use a vinaigrette on a warm salad of potatoes (sprinkled with a little vermouth), shallots, tomatoes and capers and I think the addition of lemon would be awesome.

  12. I always love a good recipe!

    Love the blog and am sure that you will find many more things to post about after a little break

  13. I have blogger brain freeze all the time, not to worry, it won't last long!
    That asparagus tart looks delicious! I planted 26 asparagus plants this year, so next year I'll be rolling in it and I'll have to make that.
    Thank you for sharing!


  14. All the time! :) Love homemade salad dressing and make one very similar.

  15. You are so funny. When I hit the wall I don't get anything written! At least you left us with yummy photos and a good recipe. I am always looking for a new way to dress salads so that I don't get tired of them and eat donuts.

  16. A friend just brought me a Meyer Lemon tree as a house warming gift and now I've got a great recipe to use them in, thanks to you.

  17. This is pretty darn good for a brain freeze post Kelley! I tend to just not post when I'm frozen so this is very impressive!
    I feel like I've made a version of this tart before and it's driving me crazy tryi8ng to remember which recipe I used, yours looks more familiar than the WS one...regardless, I'm going to make it this weekend! See what your frozen post accomplished?!
    xo J~


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