Bringing the Outside In

There are many things to dislike about living in California 
but one is definitely NOT the weather
I have been contemplating this project for the last year and finally 
decided to "get on with it...already!"
This will be a new deck and will let us enjoy our 
house from the outside a bit more
The problems to work out were
how to deal with these two massive oaks
that are within 5 to 10 feet from the existing patio
and how to make the deck appear visually as a part of the house 
and not just a landscape element
I'm showing a few before photos so you can visualize how
 plain the house is from this angle
The layout was really important and we needed to be sure not to 
injure  or impede the oaks root system
It's also important to build a deck structurally correct,
just as you would inside a house, 
so it's not spongey or wonky when you walk across it

I also worked on a design for a railing that would mimic the look
of the existing ranch fencing throughout the property

The railing is a really important design element 
and I played around with a few ideas 
until it looked just right

my carpenters are doing an amazing job too 
and always have excellent recommendations
because this is a "design build" project 
with out any plans
there are a few more details 
that will make this deck really interesting,
so we will keep hammering away!

have a wonderful weekend 

; 0 )

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  1. Hi Kelley! As always, your 'touch' finishes off another project in such a perfect way. Can't wait to see the finish! Enjoy your weekend! Yes, TGIF! Chris

  2. LOVE the deck and how it works with the oaks. Kelley, I have to say that your homes are my favorite on the internet! Please keep sharing all of your wonderful projects with us.

  3. Oh Kelley---I absolutely love your blog and look forward to reading ALL of your posts. I wish you would post twice a day. :)

    Keep up the beautiful work!
    (More house pics please)


  4. Very exciting! Can't wait to see it finished around those big, beautiful trees.

  5. The deck is looking good! I agree with Jackie, I would like 2 posts a day. :)

    Not sure who/what that "hate American women" post is...but PULEEZE. Those comments make me sick, and I'm sorry whoever posted it defaced such a great blog.

  6. Hi Anon, this guy leaves one on just about very post! I delete it...but I know, what a jerK!

    I would love to do more posts...but I don't think my little brain can think up much more than about 1 or 2 a week!

    thanks for stopping by and commenting!

    have a great weekend

    xoxo kelley

  7. Hey Kelley! This is Anon. Thanks for responding-you got a full applause from me. BTW- I'm Mrs. Davidson. Mr Davidson loves it when you post too, cause it makes me happy. (He's the midwest guy that sent you an email begging you to post a bit back..hee hee :)

  8. Yep...spongy wonky ain't cool.

    Can't wait to see finished product! I have always loved decks that wrap around old reverent!

  9. You get hate mail? that's just nuts! your blog is one of my favorites. soooo much inspiration here! We have 2 oaks on our property and as much as they are a pain (can't plant around the drip line, etc), they certainly are gorgeous trees!!! Can't wait to see your finished deck!

  10. The trees really make the deck Kelley - any plans for a hammock between them?

  11. LOVE what you are doing on the deck and how it all works with the entire backyard. Anxious to see the finish.

    Have a God Filled Day

  12. what a stunning piece of property!. We have had amazing weather here in SF. At the risk of sounding ungrateful though, i'd like some rain. (Know I am not going to be too popular with our friends in the rest of the country) but saying nonetheless :)


  13. Hi Kelley -
    I have vision. And this will be stunning when finished! Can't wait to see! Hurry! :)

  14. How exciting! Can't wait to see it complete!!

  15. I CAN'T WAIT to see the finished deck....but please tell me what there is to possibly hate about living in California because I can't figure that out! ;-)
    signed.... "cold in Boston"

  16. Kelly, Your garden is beautiful. Love how the grass naturally flows into the rocks and gravel. The deck is going to be charming. Cant wait to see what you do on the patio.

  17. Hi Kelley, You will enjoy having this outdoor space so much. I know it will be decorated beautifully. Hugs, Sherry

  18. I always love a deck built around old just shows how much you care, you know. This is going to be a great space to enjoy all this wonderful weather we have.

  19. Look forward to the finished are the Mistress of the Decking!

  20. Glad you decided to 'get on it''s already looking fabulous, and the trees being a part of the whole structure will make it all extra special...can't wait to see the end product!
    Happy hammering...and thanks for stopping by, I saved a slice of bread for you! ;)
    xo J~

  21. Love the look of the deck and the entire backyard!! So gorgeous! The huge trees are such a grand statement...not many of those around here in South Dakota :) Will continue to follow your it!


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