A Giveaway and a Thank You!

For those of you who take the time 
to read my ramblings
 about the vegetable garden and my composter, 
comment about my quirky projects, my toaster lamps
silly posts about chickens and trends and smart cars and muffin tops
why dog poop always ends up on the bottom of my shoes
and not anyone else's
 take the time out of your very busy day
to view my ideas, my projects 
and my chores

Thank you!
from the very bottom of my heart

This blog started out quite simply...
no big expectations
no real idea of what blogging was actually

no idea how to upload photos
or how to mess around with templates 
and gadgets and HTML
(what does HTML stand for anyway?)

not much fluff  
no gimmicks 

like it or not

I'm still doing it...and still posting about pretty much the same topics:

 remodeling and decorating,
original ideas and design tips,
gardening and daily life

just the basic stuff
that represents what goes on each day


just doing it

pretty simple, actually

I would love to give all of you a wonderful gift
I would if  I could 
your comments and emails are
  that important

 If you would like to enter this give away
please leave  a quick comment about what you enjoy 
or don't enjoy, if you like...
 (I take criticism well)

The Polished Pebble Blog


you can just leave your name...that would be great too

If your comment is picked
( via Random Number Counter)

I will send this wonderful book to you

Martha's Entertaining
a year of celebrations 
Love her or hate her;
(I actually find her really fascinating)

this is an incredible book full of amazing photographs,
ideas for entertaining and decorating
 and it includes a recipe section to duplicate her party menus

this is a book which will make you sit down 
and read and look 
and flip pages
over and over...
 just to make sure you don't miss anything

and all of the ideas she shares 
can certainly be done on a small scale...

Martha has 3 BIG houses but acts like they are small

OH Martha!


This is my favorite book of hers yet
and I would love for you to have a copy

I will ship it directly to you from 
Barnes and Nobel 

Please enter


thank you so very much 
for all of the supportive and nice comments

I can't say enough about how special blogger friends are,
but I do think you are all very special
and I think of you all as friends

  1. Well, one thing I love about your blog is your simplicity and of course, the photos. I am just a 'point and shoot' gal, but I love colors, composition and all that stuff that your photos give me. Sometimes, I just catch my breath at the loveliness. OK, Martha is something, isn't she? I wonder what her place looked like at that 'other home' for a while. Did they let her decorate? I love to see what she is doing now. Thanks for letting me enter.

  2. What a sweet gesture! Thank you for the giveaway and your flower pictures are so pretty - especially that orchid!!! I am so ready for spring to arrive :)

    Have a lovely end-of-the-week!

    oh & btw HTML = Hyper Text Markup Language.

  3. I have literally just come across your blog for the first time and I'm so happy that i did. I'm at the beginning of my blogging journey after an earlier false start and everything you mention about your early days rings SO true for me now! From what I've seen so far, your blog is charming and funny and beautifully illustrated. Very inspirational - I can't wait to investigate much, much more!

  4. Awesome giveaway!l I found your blog from a feature on another blog a while ago and I've been hooked ever since. You have such great style and I envy you're gorgeous California weather. :)

  5. I love your laid back, eclectic style. It has me thinking differently about decor and the use of items. Thank you!

  6. You know you have been one of my favs for awhile ;) I love your writing and of course your NEON green thumb!!! Speaking of - those peonies! *sigh* You must post when all your lavender is in bloom and inundating your home :)
    Would love the Martha book - I actually dont own any of her books! I too find her fascinating....amazing really. She is the epitome of a hard working woman - she is 70 for crying out loud!!! Haters gonna hate tho...
    more rain this weekend..... :)

  7. Dog Poop or Not! I love just a little glimpse of what it is like to live in your shoes! Thank you for taking us long with you!
    xoxo, Chris

  8. Ah! I love everything, but I think you know that! I guess what I love most of all is pictures of your beautiful home! Xoxo, melaine

  9. Besides all the things mentioned by others, one of the things I like the most is that you don't post every day, but only when you have something to share that is worthwhile, interesting, or beautiful. Thank you!
    Niki in Santa Cruz, CA

  10. I love the photos of your garden the best!
    carole in OC

  11. Wow! It's hard to think of just one thing I like about your blog. I love it all! I love the way you use old things in a fresh way that looks modern-not too country bumpkin. I get so many good ideas from you, which I try to duplicate. Some turn out good, some I'm still working to get just right.

    Would love to win the giveaway, but I always have your posts for inspiration! Thanks for all your posts, they make my day!

    Becky D, Indiana

  12. I love your garden and your use of old objects "glorified" in new uses. I would love to win your giveaway. Thanks for inspiration!
    Sarah K in San Francisco

  13. Kelley~
    I always look forward to your posts..all of them!
    I love your decorating and especially love seeing how you add accessories in your rooms... bread boards, lamps, colors, pillows!!

    I would love to enter. Looks like a great Martha book!

  14. First off I would like to say I love your blog. You should not worry--I think it is full of pretty things to look at and many things to learn. And we don't want to read all the same stuff in all the blogs. Keep up with what you do. And thank you for the lovely give away--please enter my name...

  15. Beautiful photos!
    By the way, I'm fascinated by Martha also.


  16. Charming in its simplicity, Charming in its content and out right gorgeous in the photography. That's how I describe your lovely blog. Always a treat to myself to read your latest.

    I too admire Martha...what a woman!

  17. I would love to read this book!

    Oh my, your chicken post absolutely cracked me up. My chickens try to come in my house all the time, and I had to chase one out of the car yesterday too. Maybe we should get some of those diapers....haha.

  18. Kelly,
    I love your blog for so many reasons. As a master gardener in Texas I am fascinated by your garden and the things you can grow. I loved the home you sold and your home that you are in now. Your pictures and text tell your tale well. Your blog makes me long for the mild weather of California. Thank you for sharing!

  19. I stalk your blog waiting for new posts !!( sad but true) I just love your style. Martha must have been a sponge for information growing up because she knows everything about everything !!!

  20. I enjoy your garden posts! I'm hoping to buy a house within the year and looking forward to having my own little garden. I admire Martha for her hard work and creativity. I think it would be interesting to meet her, I bet she has some great stories to tell about her rise to fame.

  21. I enjoy peeking into your wonderful California life of gardening, antiques, and renovation. I used to live in California and miss the bountiful beauty and the lifestyle it offers. You live beautifully and your blog captures the magic.

  22. I love your gardening posts! I wish someday to have a garden like yours!! I also really enjoy seeing how you turn antiqued/thrifted items into the most beautiful decorations in your home!! Keep it up, I love being inspired by you!!
    --Natalie F. @ www.craftycoloradochick.blogspot.com.--

  23. I always love seeing what you are doing in your garden. Truly beautiful. Thanks for every special post.

    Lafayette, La

  24. I loved the home you sold and I'm keeping up with what you're doing with this home. Martha herself says you don't have to do everything she does but I think we can strive a little more. Thanks for your lovely blog.

  25. I stumbled onto your blog through house hunting. I can't remember how or why. One house in Montecito (not in our range, much less universe) referenced Velvet & Linen and suddenly I found a new world of blogging. We were leaving Ojai and I remain homesick, even though I return daily for work and kids school until June. I check your blog religiously and can almost smell the orange blossoms. Thank you!

  26. I love seeing California through your eyes. I left there a year and a half ago. and miss it terribly. The pictures of the orange blossoms, your gardens- the sunshine... it makes me homesick.

  27. My first visit here. I saw you over at No Minimalist Here. I'd love to sign up for the giveaway, I've always been a Martha fan myself. I have her first "Entertaining" book, much loved and worked through. Beautiful blog!

  28. Hi Kelly! What a cool giveaway! I finally posted about your five buckets tale today!(thanks for allowing me to do that) I truely enjoy everything about your blog...you witty stories, beautiful home and gorgeous garden!
    Thank you, kim

  29. While I already have this book, I want to comment because I simply enjoy your blog so much. I especially love your remodeling posts because it is the good with the challenging. I love your other posts because we get the beautiful, the funny, and the fantastic moments of your life. We cannot ask for more. Have fun with the giveaway!

  30. Kelley, I thoroughly enjoy every word you right because it resonates....sometimes you Just say things that have zoomed around in my brain in the not so distant past. Plus, the dog poop thing on your shoes only...yep, that's me. Dog poop on only my shoes, it resonates!

  31. kelley i need another martha book like a hole in the head but i just wanted to say thank you for always putting such great posts up, sharing your homes and gardens with us. inspiring us. and making me laugh. clink clink.

  32. One of my favorite things is you live just down PCH from me and try as I do I haven't found your house. But I haven't tried all that hard. I do love everything you write and photo, especially the work on your new house in Ojai. Please keep on inspiring us with your blog, I miss you when you take a few days off.

  33. oh my! i love what you did with your place in newport and am so enjoying watching you transform your place in Ojai. You're an amazingly gifted decorator and gardener! Thanks for sharing your gifts with all of us.

  34. Love everything you do! Keep it coming!

  35. Love your blog, your photos are always fantastic!! Keep doing what you have been doing because it is just right!

  36. I really enjoy your blogs and they almost make me wish I was in CA and not GA - especially for the citrus trees. Your blog and photos are simplicity and love learning about your gardening. Keep up the great blog! Deborah in Atlanta. Nojava2@bellsouth.net

  37. What I love about you and your blog...well I don't think blogger will give me enough room to write them all, so here are just a few...

    You are a trend setter, NOT a follower.

    Your sense of style is unique...and I mean that in the best possible way.

    You are kind, helpful, and oh so funny...did I mention talented too?

    The things I don't like?...hmm, sorry, can't think of any...nope not even one!

    Thanks for the giveaway, what a lovely book!

    Kat :)

    P.S. Did you get my email from last weekend?

  38. I love your blog - it's one of the first I discovered when I first entered cautiously into the world of blogs!! And I still check daily to see if there is a new post and what's up at your beautiful home ( of course this is after I went back and read your blog from start to finish and sent the URL to my mom so we could enjoy your blog together!!) I think your home and gardens are amazing and inspiring and your blog is always a pick-me-up.
    I am still confused by all this blog "stuff" 1 year in but blogs like yours encourage the newbies.
    Thank you for the hard work and willingness to share :)

  39. Kelley: I LOVE your style! Many times when I am making a design decision, I think "WWKD?". I appreciate your generosity in giving sources and suggestions. It is such a pleasure for me when you have a posting!

  40. Kelley: I LOVE your style! Many times when I am making a design decision, I think "WWKD?". I appreciate your generosity in giving sources and suggestions. It is such a pleasure for me when you have a posting!

  41. I can only get this to work if I go anon so here is my email address: diannedballard@gmail.com :)

    I am a regular reader, seldom comment. I love that you are so real. We get the good, the bad and the ugly/pretty !!! Thank you for many enjoyed hours of reading.

  42. Oh Kelley! Don't put my name in the hat for the giveaway - (I already have that book!!) But I wanted to let you know that I've been with you for a while now - and I never get enough of seeing all of your spaces and gardens and hearing all about Ojai! You're such an inspiration to so many people - but your garden in particular has shaped so many of the decisions for the gardens at CDLV, and your Newport bathroom was a huge inspiration to my reno here, and your living room redo (with barnwood) has inspired yet another project! So - I for one, (and I know others do agree) Love your blog, and love you!!!

  43. I am a fairly new reader to your blog. I was like..wow, this lady has it all. what a house! what a life! what kind of problems could she even have? But then i went back through all your posts and read about your loss and heartbreak and I realized that no matter where we live, what kind of house, how much money we have, we are all human and we all have struggles. It was very inspiring to read about your journey and to see it was not an easy one like I had flippantly thought before.

  44. Hi Kelley,

    You don't have to enter me into your contest, but I'm happy that you're blogging about the "same stuff". I think I've been reading along for a couple years now and I like it just as much today as I did when I first started reading. I like your sense of humor. I feel like if I met you, I'd know exactly what you would be like. I like that. And of course what keeps me coming back is just your style I think. So many other places I look are predictable and the same, but what you do is unexpected and refreshing to me.


  45. Kelley - Dog poo! I call it "toxic waste". I can detect a microscopic amount on the bottom of a shoe in an instant! And I love my dogs! :-)

    I don't hate Martha. She's so clever and accomplished at surrounding herself with other great talents, how could anyone hate that?

    Her book sounds fabu! I love "best of" images and tips that are probably loaded between that cover.


  46. Hi Kelly. Love your blog...I have it on my flipboard and when you post a new picture, I get so thrilled. Here's what I appreciate. You are thoughtful and deliberate. Your home is inviting and you use a friendly tone when you post. Keep up the good work,

  47. I love your blog! Been reading for about a year. You are awesome!

    So many great ideas......and I love to hear your perspective on things


  48. Love the pictures! Want the book :D

  49. Well I just LOVE everything about your blog!! It is allways a very intersting read!! Love your last post on the chickens!! My little ones are getting five chickens and one rooster named Hank this summer!! I am super excited to:)
    Thanks for this chance to win the wonderful Marthas book!! I love her to!!

  50. Kelly.....I don't often comment but your post arrive in my email so I keep up to date on your "ramblings"! I have a few of Martha's books and whether you like her or not, you can't take away the fact that she is very talented......thanks for keeping us up to date on your life :)

  51. I love your photography and eye for design...and garden...sigh.
    I would love to win that book. May just have to buy it if I don't!

  52. I love your sense of style. Everything always looks fresh while incorporating vintage items.
    Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  53. Thanks for the chance to win a wonderful Martha book. You are an inspiration for me.
    Jeanean Bishop thetexasbishops.blogspot.com

  54. What a generous gift. I love following along with your projects and I admire your beautiful and bountiful garden. I wish I had your energy -- and talent.
    All the best...Victoria

  55. Hi Kelley, I am new to your blog and am enjoying it very much! You're photos are beautiful and I am very interested in anything to do with gardening right now as my yard in my new home is a blank slate and I'm not really sure where to start. I am a big Martha fan also and would love to win that book!

  56. Your photos inspire me to take better pictures! Love your blog!

  57. I love so much about your blog! ..my fave is truly the garden inspiration.....but you know i adore the interior inspiration too....
    looks like a GREAT book!! thx Kelley.....

    thx for commenting on my blog yesterday too....
    have a great day,

  58. I love flower pictures! And...Martha. Thanks for the giveaway!

  59. I love to decorate and entertain - sounds like the perfect book for me. The kitchen in your previous home is one of my all time favorites! Also love to daydream about having a garden in my backyard like yours. Here in Colorado we don't dare plant anything until after mothers day. Last year that strategy didn't even work - everything had to be replanted because of such cold temps and a little snow!

  60. I can't wait to see what this year's garden gives you!!

  61. I can't wait to see what this year's garden gives you!!

  62. Love design blogs. Your pictures are great. Martha is a mess, but I do love her.

  63. Kelley, I really enjoy your garden pictures, flower pictures and, interior pictures of your home too! So I like PICTURES! Yours are so crisp and colorful, they captivate me. I especially love the flower garden. You can grow many things I can't so its therapeutic,in a way, to browse your garden with you. :)

  64. Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway!! If I had to choose only one thing that I enjoy about your blog, it's the photos of your gorgeous house. Thanks for sharing :)


  65. I find your blog every morning hoping that you have posted. Enjoy viewing wishing and learning. Thank you

  66. What could be finer than morning coffee and a peek at your world!
    Thank you for sharing...

  67. Good morning! I love reading your blog. Your sense of humor and great creative ideas, really get my imagination going.
    The way you started this post I thought "Oh No!" she is going to stop blogging!! But luckily not so. Keep up the good work, we are all enjoying it!

  68. i like that you are real.

    cindy sue

  69. First and foremost, I subscribe to see your great styling, and clean, creative assemblies of "stuff". The way you put color, texture and shape together in a room is so beyond my abilities, I love looking at your wonderful photos and seeing what you've come up with. You take old, tattered, antique items, and insert them into a new room-scape to make something inviting, warm and exquisite. So, in addition to your luscious photography, gardening ideas and rehab process, what I like best is your vision and style. Thanks for sharing the visuals with the rest of us.

  70. Your photographs are so clear and beautiful and the spin you put, whether funny or fanciful is always a delight. You always inspire me to want to do more with my home and garden!

  71. I am new to your blog and from my perspective you are the real deal! Authentic, unique and interesting. I love those qualities in a person. I find your creativity refreshing and inspiring. Whats not to love about your blog? I am glad I was introduced to your blog via Delores at Vignette Designs blog! Thank you D!

  72. I enjoy watching your flea market or salvage purchases being transformed into new uses or new ideas in your home.

  73. I Love Marths and her amazing talent--I hope I win. Thank you

  74. Kelley,
    What a sweet thank you note. I only found your site about 1 year ago but I so enjoy your coverage of garden and home, two of my favorite topics (that I believe go hand in hand). I saw Martha's book at Wm Sonoma and was tempted. I'm with you, she's a fascinating woman and if nothing else, has such amazing ideas that are captured using the most incredible photography.
    It's a pleasure visiting you when you ring (code: email notice/new post).

  75. Hi Kelley,

    I've been reading your blog since 2009 and I love your stunning garden, flower, and produce photos and following your projects. But one of the things that endeared me to you and your blog is when in the fall of 2009 I emailed you asking about some porch lights I saw in a photo of your home and you emailed me back within 15 minutes!! Your blog feels more like that of a friend - homey, warm, and inviting. Thanks! Amy

  76. I love your pictures and how you bring both the garden and interior to the party. It inspires me to watch you take old worn out items and make them beautiful!

  77. I would have to say the seasonal flowers and fruits in your photos are my favorites. I'm in PA, so seeing all the fresh flowers and fruit when my skies are still gray and dreary, it gets me excited for the coming season. Thanks for all you do,

  78. I love following your blog. Keep it up.

  79. Kelley...your blog has been a true inspiration for me. I still enjoy going through your past posts. I have found inspiration here about decorating, gardening and my favorite....collecting......thank you for inspiring me.

  80. I love your blog! My mom does too! She is very computer illiterate so I have to send her a link to your post when I want her to read it. She often replies "Your father is going to kill you for sending this to me. Now I will be digging up our backyard this weekend!" Thanks for sharing your inspirations with us!

  81. I stumbled apon your site & read it all the time because I am from Ventura/Ojai & your photos make me miss my family! Also, the depot you went to with your contractor is owned by my uncles! Imagine my suprise!
    Thanks for giving me my fix of home!
    Tamara Asher

  82. Your pictures are beautiful. Since I live in the same local area I love seeing pictures of what works for you in your gardens. I love that table Martha has w/all the food and the floral display, looks like a wonderful celebration.

  83. HOW FUN! I can't decide what I like best: your sense of style (it is terrific) or your talented gardening! (breathtaking photos)
    Thank you for inspiring me to buy David Austin Roses for my mother one year - she loved them, had always wanted some and now she has some - I think this is the year they really take off!
    Speaking of mom.. we have been big Martha fans from the start! Love her or hate her (we love her and I do find her very fascinating and human) you have to admit she is one helluva business person. So I would love to have her book since that is an indulgence I wouldn't normally bestow on myself!
    thanks for writing such a beautiful blog!

  84. Love, Love, Love Martha.

    Janis Stufflebean

  85. Me again...Janis Stufflebean

    This is the first time I have read your blog. It is so charming, interesting, funny and brought a smile on this rainy day!


  86. WHAT DO WE LOVE??!!! Are you kidding?? Your personal taste in just about EVERYTHING. Loved those little vintage postcards you had in your bathroom at your old home... I have some similar that were my Grandma's and keep MEANING to get around to framing them in a proper display...Love your BARN DOORS....your look is classic.

  87. Every day I find myself drawn to your blog for a smile. Checking out your ideas, photos, garden and Millie. Your blog makes me happy I live in So. CA. I've forwarded your "musings" to friends from Seattle to St. Paul & New York. In the middle of a mid western winter friends cried with joy over your garden photos. Thank you and keep up the good work.

  88. I wouldn't even know where to start - your blog provides so much inspiration and eye candy. keep up the good work...I'll definitely keep reading. Thanks, liz

  89. Hi Kelly,
    I love seeing your unique ideas a true inspiration which is refreshing! I am actually redoing our bathroom and would love to send you pics! We repurposed a sewing cabinet as our vanity! Thanks for all the great pictures of your truly authectic visions!!Smiles, Jackie

  90. Hi Kelley, I was wondering what HTML meant as well so I googled and, (hopefully) not to sound too widgety, I found out that it stands for "hyper text markup language" and of course that is now clear to all of us! ;)
    sorry I left the "e" out of Kelley on my comment earlier! kim

  91. I love seeing pictures of your beautiful property which looks so lived in, real and homey. I love when you post ideas what I actually could replicate in my own home. I was driving thru Ojai for lunch two weeks ago, and was wondering if I would pass your lovely place.
    Nicole Young

  92. I love seeing all the beautiful treasures you collect - my grandparents loved their "old things" as they called them, and their love of collecting has trickled down to me. And your yard and gardens are so beautiful - I truly enjoy browsing your posts and wishing I had your green thumbs!

  93. I look forward to see what topic you will post and love the beautiful pictures you share. Your home is so special and inviting. I would just live to come over for coffee. Being in Texas, your Calufornia lifestyle is so appealing. This is a wonderful giveaway. Blessings!

  94. Love your blog-especially your gardens-have gotten so many ideas! Thanks for the giveaway!

  95. Love the photos...your garden is awesome!

  96. Happened upon your website and loved the beautiful pictures - great job capturing all your 'projects' from start to finish!

  97. Love your blog Kelly!! You share so many great ideas & info when you find a great treasure!! Ramblings about your remodel on your Ojai ranch are how you roll & thats just fine with this rambler!! Thank You for sharing all ,,Linda

  98. Always enjoy popping in to see what you are working on or discovering. Love your style!

  99. Kelley, your blog has been my favorite for-eva! It is simple and meaningful, I so admire that you love what you love and you make no apologies for it. Your home speaks of who you are, not of what is on trend. I think you have such a unique design persective and the most amazing talent for turning trash into treasure, or sometimes just seeing that "junk" in its original state is beauty enough. I also think that your old dining room, with those herbariums is THE most amazing room I have EVER seen on the internet. Thank you for sharing your adventures with us!

  100. Love your style, decorating and photography. Thanks for the doses of inspiration!!

  101. I love seeing your garden transform from season to season. Thanks for the giveaway.

  102. Love your blog, especially the Ojai features.

  103. What a fabulous blog you have!!


  104. I love, love your blog. Seeing your garden and home improvement pics inspire me.

  105. Your blog is opening my eyes to so many new and fun possibilities in my own home. Thank you for sharing your talent with all of us :)

  106. I love seeing your creative use of old treasures and great design ideas!

  107. love your style, love it all! Keeep it coming!

  108. I enjoy your creative playfulness.

  109. I think your "old" house was my very favorite, but I also love your "new" one, and the garden, oh my gosh, a little slice of heaven on earth! I have subscribed by email for sometime now and I always smile when I see you have a new post! You have got me started on a few new obsessions, I mean collections - Thanks, ha, ha...


~*~love to hear from you~*~

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.