We have a winner!!!!!


 This is such a nice book!

this was her pink peony dessert party

Some of the reviews said that there wasn't enough actual party planning information,  just a bunch of pretty pictures!

how could you not be inspired
 her vintage bento trays from Japan
 Look at this table !!!!!
set for guests for the book launch
 all white hors d'oeuvres...what a great idea

 remember her first entertaining book and her kitchen?
it looks so 80's but it is still inspiring 
 and then she remodeled
she kept the copper and the pot rack
 but everything else is new
 she is the queen of organization...at least that's what she wants us to believe

 how many people have copied her
 "detergent in a pretty jar with a stopper" idea?
I know I have!
 I really love her kitchens

 the food styling is really superb too
 the colors are always so interesting 
I love this rolling cart!

so can you guess who won the book?

it's comment #41

Dianne Ballard!

She wrote that she likes the blog because she gets
"the good, the bad and the ugly/pretty"

I hope she is referring to my composter 
which is very ugly/pretty

Oh and speaking of composters, here is a tip:

If you know it is going to rain, leave the composter lid open 
so your compost gets a good soaking of  water!  
Saves time and money

thank you all so much for the wonderful comments...
they were so kind and I think I know a bit more about my readers too

You are the best....ever


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  1. I agree that Martha has great organization ideas. One of my favourites is the last photo with the crocks bursting with kitchen tools. The rows of aqua wicker chairs is pretty awesome too. Thanks for sharing. While Martha has some great kitchens, yours is still my all time favourite.

  2. congratulations to the winner. Martha Stewart is one designer I think I could let go in my house and let her do her thing! love her colors, clean lines with always a nod to Tradition. Kathysue

  3. Congratulations to Dianne! And oohh to have that many mint green wicker chairs...be still my heart!


  4. Darn! I missed a couple of days and there was a drawing!! And you are right about the book...it looks inspiring. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words....who needs all the "party planning information!" Get inspired by looking at the photos. And yes...I have the pretty bottle with the liquid soap on my counter but I got it from looking at a friends, not Martha's, and thought to myself "I have a bottle just like that. All I need to do is buy the stopper". And voila...new idea. Just "looking" sometimes at things really makes a difference. Just like you blog. PS...we don't have our compost in an actual closed bin but a wire area out in the back so when it rains, it does get soaked. And things diminish and then there is more room.

  5. Yeah for Dianne!
    I just posted a few ago of my kitchen sink and the evian bottle with lace & stopper for my kitchen soap!...oh Martha!

  6. p.s. the vintage blue green McCoy planters...That Martha has in the second to last picture...I have them also! They where my Grandmothers and I found them in my moms barn!

  7. Congrats to Dianne! My question would be, how many people does it take to keep Martha organized? haha... I love how she has made 'home keeping' an art.

    Cindy Sue

  8. love MS inspiration....i'd love to know more about the detergent stopper idea...beautiful pics and inspiration...

  9. Kelley,
    I'm going to have to buy this book...I don't need the information as much as the inspiration so I'm okay with lots of "pretty pictures". Her popularity with some aside, I love her style and her attention to detail. Thanks for the in-depth review/reveal, it sealed the deal for, I must get this book!

  10. Congrats to Diane! I got this book for Christmas and did get lots of great ideas....of course I mostly love all of Martha's copper!

  11. Martha is the queen, I have to admit. But seriously, that first kitchen. Even with a team of housekeepers, how did she ever keep all that copper shiny and all those baskets dusted. Less is more?

  12. Man, I'll take 6 of those sea foam green chairs, thank you! Beach bliss.

  13. Lucky Diane! Love to get a glimpse here Kelly! I have always been inspired by Martha.

  14. Oh darn it. I am just going to have to buy the book. Did you notice how she spray painted the white wicker chairs mint green for the luncheon...nice way to mix things up. Very fun post. You have to admit everything she does is so tasteful...even the wrapping paper at Kmart a couple years ago was great...and her office furniture for Home Decorator's...taste for small budgets. I like that.

  15. Hello ! I Loved this post... she really is an inspiration. Although I live in Australia, we often have her daily show televised. I have many of her books and would love to buy this one. Thank you for giving us a peak into this book ! Really enjoy your blog too !. Jennifer


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