
these are just about the cutest little gems ever!
 whether you have an acre 
or just a great little patio...
as long as you have sunlight 

you can grow Kumquats

we have many varieties of citrus in our orchard 
but sadly not a single Kumquat

 right now the blossoms are peaking and 
the new fruit is forming
 the bees are doing their thing too...

 and since orange is in
 both in the garden

  in the home,

 in nature

and on the runway

lets get some Kumquats

tangerine happens to be the Pantone 
color of the year 
for 2012

 orange is a very Tuscan inspired color 
 but surprisingly 
works well with many other colors
 one of the nice things about Kumquats 
is they grow in almost all zones
and do very well as a potted plant

 I have been thinking about what to put
 in big galvanized pots on our newly built deck
and have decided on Kumquats
 in addition to being a really great looking ornamental plant 
the fruit is really tasty 
and can be used for jams and relishes...
so off to the Nursery 
what will the color of the year be in 2013

Avocado maybe?

you just never know
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  1. Oh how I love kumquats! Don' t have a one either.
    You have a paradise there ma dear....every color in the Pantone rainbow!!

  2. I candied my own kumquats once, in another life, and they were delicious and beautiful, like sparkling little jewels. Power to your pots!

  3. Love it. I have two small kumquat trees in cement urns by my front door (I broke down and bought the urns at Roger's Gardens)...just a little splash of color.

  4. Growing up, we had a kumquat tree and a calamondin tree...among many other orange, grapefruit, lemon and lime varieties. I loved eating kumquats right off the tree.We recently had a fabulous meal in the coolest little restaurant near Dade City (FL)...home of the Kumquat Festival. The huge salad brought to our table was made with freshly picked lettuces (that morning), fresh goat cheese from the local goat farm, and kumquat vinaigrette. It was fabulous!!! And for my dil's baby shower, my sister made kumquat tarts...the winning recipe at this year's Kumquat Festival.They were so delicious!!! (watch your email...I'll send the recipe)

  5. My good friend and neighbor has a kumquat tree potted right outside her french doors. It makes me happy every time I see it. They're just so cute, but I've never eaten one!

  6. All of your images are so lovely. I think tangerine was declared this years color but I think you are right in that green will be next years color because I think most people are choosing that color this year!! I did a post on Green just the other day and it is my preferred color for 2012! Even though I am not an orange lover your images are breath taking, Kathysue

  7. beautiful pictures! makes me think...hmmm, kunquats...! well done! have a great big orange day!

  8. Orange is one of my best selling basket colors, loved by the Italians, especially in winter, great with white and navy or neutrals. Oranges and lemons are figuring prominently in my menus these days! I do not have a kumquat tree, but I buy limequats at the market.


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