Good Morning Sunshine

 A couple of weeks ago I did a little post about how beautiful 
the color orange can be in the garden

the Pantone color of the year is 
Tangerine Tango

and last week look what showed up 
in my mail box!
 This is the most bright and cheery tangerine tote!
It was sent by one of my favorite bloggers 
the French Basketeer

Andrea is the talented lady behind these wonderful 
authentic French market baskets 
which can be found at retailers
 and Farmers markets in Southern California
 This is her new palm basket for 2012 called the Beaune
I love this basket!!!!
 In addition to this business, Andrea is a fantastic and creative cook and spends some of the year in France....does that not sound just wonderful!?!

Here she shows us how to make Poulet Dijonnaise

Her photography is always amazing
 Celeb's love her baskets too...and why not?!
They are fantastique
Please visit Andrea and her beautiful baskets  

My new orange tote will be filled with 
green goodness from the Farmers Market
  this Sunday

Merci   Andrea!   

hors du marche' des agriculteurs                                                            
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  1. Hi Kelly!, What a beautiful Spring bag. Andrea is such a sweet and generous lady with gorgeous bags. Hugs, Sherry

  2. I am so excited to have won the "Martha" book. I guess you need my address. :) Please tell me where to send it. Thank you so much!
    Dianne Ballard

  3. Love your new tote! Such a fun color! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Really great basket/bag!! The other one
    I'd heard about the Pantone color of the year but didn't know WHAT Pantone was until I looked it up.
    It would be fun to be the one who chooses the color each year, huh?

  5. Wow! What a fantastic color! All the totes are terrific looking, but the tangerine...I'm going to need to get one, and then when I eventually get to Ojai again I will recognize you by yours and you will know I'm one of your fans! :-)Ha, ha!!!

  6. I think it should be named the "Kelly" bag! It' fits your style perfectly! Love it!

  7. Great baskets! The orange is very happy

  8. I love baskets and these are lovley, I am not an orange gal, at all, in fact it is not allowed in our family, kind of a family joke, but give me a pretty bright yellow, cobalt or lime green and I am so there!! Love the natural color of the basketweave too!! I can just see you with wonderful produce at the farmers market. I have been getting farm fresh to you at my door step. It is all organic and local produce. So fun to see what they bring every two weeks, Kathysue

  9. Kelley! I am a huge fan of Andrea's bags and her blog! I will meet her one of these days at the one of the markets she does. This color is unbelievable! I love it! You are one lucky girl!!!
    xoxo, Chris

  10. I have always admired the baskets and totes Andrea sells. This one is especially cheerful for Spring. Enjoy it.

  11. Love the bag! Orange is my favorite color, just beautiful for spring.

  12. Love the color, makes you smile. Thanks for her link, and be sure to show us what you buy at Market, it's going to look more fabulous in your bag.

    Cindy Sue

  13. I love these baskets...I must get one for myself this year. I also loved the scarf you put on yours.

  14. Enjoy your tote, Kelley! I love your sense of style adding the scarf~

  15. Guess who I saw in Mammoth last night????

  16. LOVE!!! I have always been an "orange" girl. So glad there are orange options this year...I'll be ordering an orange basket when I sell my next painting!!! Thanks for sharing your friend's link.
    Jane (artfully graced)

  17. the orange tote. I just painted my front door tangerine - this addiction to orange is new but I am drawn to it in clothes and accessories and I bet some lantana or something that color will be showing up in my container gardens!!

  18. Beautiful basket. Love the color. I would use it as a purse/bag instead of toting market goodness. I would be afraid the inside would get messed up (unless it is coated?)

  19. ooooh I LOVE that ORANGE... I was thinking about getting the natural BUT that ORANGE is DIVINE!!!

  20. I love your new bag! I must get one before I leave. I just went back and read your post again...I thinking have seen them at Farmers Markets...I'm buying one pronto. It will be perfect for my Saturday trips to the New Canaan Farmers market when we move this summer.

  21. That bag is beautiful! Even though I don't plant orange in my garden, it makes me smile when something like a wild lantana pops up anyway.
    Happy Easter to You~

  22. They are beautiful but BUYER BEWARE!! I ordered, I paid, I email, wrote and cajoled...The basket never came. My first emails were met with promises, but now, 3 months later, still no basket.
    I waited too long to file a complaint with paypal, and apparently Andreia knows this, so she has my money and I have no basket....
    I'm done with trying to support the small business! From now on, Amazon and Walmart are getting all my money!

  23. french-baskets
    hi I've found on the website which sells its pretty little basket has a price


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