Perfect Pantries

 Since I pretty much have "kitchen on the brain" right now
 I thought a post about the pantry
 might be in order
 This is a 
closet to pantry conversion 
that I did a while ago
It's pretty simple but got the job done really well

Our new kitchen in Ojai will have most of these elements 
with overflow ending up in the adjacent mudroom
 I loved the fact that all of the cookbooks fit in here too...I have way too many cookbooks
Sometimes pantry storage can be overlooked but a great pantry
 really makes for a great kitchen
 One of my favorite items from the container store are these little canvas storage bins
They cost about 6 dollars and can be used for everything!
 I was lucky to have a second pull out pantry
 for items that were used almost daily

These are really handy and
 take up very little space.

Many companies make these in all different configurations
 to fit your design needs

 I think every kitchen need a dedicated spice drawer if possible
 And some additional hidden storage for cooking essentials 
like salt and pepper, oil and marinades,
fresh bread and snacks etc

A favorite site to see other pantries is a cooking site/blog

She does a weekly series called 
"Other Peoples Pantries"

  it is such a kick to see what other people think they need,
 store, use and horde in their kitchens

You can enter your own pantry photos too!

Ironically one of the most downloaded photos on Houzz is a pantry

A mere 47,500 people have added that pantry 
to their idea books

how is that for the perfect pantry!

take a peek here

have a great weekend

and could ya please pass the jelley
  1. What I would give for a proper pantry! On the north side of the house with a vent outside, a marble counter and tiled floors, and a little window heavily screened.

  2. LOVE this pantry. I need one. My last house had a wonderful pantry/closet. This house has a tiny cabinet pantry.

  3. That pantry is the perfect depth, not too deep that you can't access anything in the back but deep enough for storing quite a bit. I love those container store canvas bins too. They line the upper shelf of my closet.

  4. I think having a pantry is such a necessity! In our last house we had a walk-in pantry and I was so bummed to leave it behind. This house didn't allow for a walk-in, but we've found ways to make it all work with the pantry we did build. It has roll out shelves and in some ways it functions even better than our old one. But I still miss having things like the waffle maker or wok right at my fingertips the way I could in my old pantry. I'm loving following along with your kitchen remodel!

    Kat :)

  5. oh my goodness this looks great!
    Thanks for the link!

  6. I'm wishing a decent sized pantry was on my priority list when we bought our house but alas, it was overlooked. Consequently I literally have to stand side-on as I stretch into the deep dark recesses of my poor-excuse-for-a-pantry.
    A most inspiring post, thanks!

  7. Your pantry looks great, I have a similar size and style pantry as yours and I love it. I am amazed at how much stuff I have and how full it got so quickly. I use mine to store larger appliances and even extra glasses and dishes, of which I have way too many!! I use the little bins for bread and kids snacks and you are so right they work perfectly. Kathysue

  8. Your pantry looks great...I do love an organized pantry. I had no idea that so many people felt the same way! Love your Dean & DeLuca favorite is the chili powder...can't live without it!

  9. This looks terrific. Clean, well-organized and functional. I am new to your blog, so having read this I decided to browse through your earlier posts. I'm so glad I did that. You've created a great spot for your readers to visit and I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  10. Hey Kelley, I've just left my bloggie mate Brooke over @ Velvet & Linen & they're building in Ojai too. I've been to LA & San Diego, but have not a cracker of an idea where Ojai is. Off to check out Google maps & see what all the fuss is about!
    Millie xx

  11. A whole blog devoted to pantries? I'm there! I definitely could use the inspiration, because I'm tired of fighting the jumbled mess in mine. Great pics! Thanks for sharing.

  12. Ahh the pantry - that is how I first met you!!!!! I loved it then and I still love it!
    Funny enough, I am just researching some new containers for up high on top of my kitchen upper cabinets (eeking out storage wherever I can in my tiny house)and came across these little beauties at the Container store - thought you would like them too.


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