Where the heck have I been?


As much as I would love to 
say I have been spending the last month 
sitting around the yard in a nice wicker chair....I really spent my days....
loving big old work tables ( I know, really hard work!)
I'll take three please
 pinned Nancy Fischelson's houses again...for the ga-zillion'th time 
on Pinterest
and a few of Briggs Edward Solomon's too

 pulled weeds and planted stuff 
 ran this bad boy around the garden a couple hundred times...finally ran out of gas...
me and the tiller
 made some dirt out of this lovely mess

 got sunburned ankles and wished
 I still owned a Kayak

 shopped for pots

 and pretty fountains

went home empty handed
but very inspired

 made some bread
and more bread

whole grain
cheddar with green olives
rosted garlic
all with the same recipe!

 made some charrred citrus tomatillo salsa

 decided I really love lisianthus flowers

 had a really cool photo shoot for
Cooking Light magazine
made some new friends
(wonderful photographers and stylists 
and a little girly girl dog named Charlie)
 wore this outfit...It was a bit toasty with the sweater
but it's a November issue
gussied up the kitchen for the photographer
 played frisbee with Millie

 made lots of salads with nasturtiums

and peas

bought a juicer 
 so now I can drink my veggies

BTW if you want to change your eating habits 
watch this movie
 sold lots of cool stuff on Second Shout Out
and started getting ready for my very first
antique show and vintage market in November:
Remnants of the Past
 played some more frisbee
and a little of this
lost...of course

 had a great photo shoot for Cottage Style magazine
 my pal Sunday
yep her name is Sunday!

 watched this amazing stylist work
and had lots of giggles too
is she adorable?!!!!!
 made many big huge messes in the kitchen...
this is why I love big sinks

 found some beautiful flowers at the Farmers Market 
worked on a wonderful lake cottage 
project in the Northwoods of Wisconsin
a great e-design kitchen in San Diego
 a big gorgeous family home in Ojai

 planted 6 big pots with 
dwarf meyer lemons

 tried to figure out how to use chalk paint

 what a mess but lots of fun...more on that later
fell in love with these

remembered how much I really like lime green 

and black and white ticking
now after all of that 
it's no wonder I haven't had time to blog

Hope you had a wonderful summer!


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  1. Well, I for one did not have such a beautiful summer! :) But I did miss you! Congrats on all of those photo shoots! I can't wait to see you in print ... again! :)

    1. Hi Artie, so sorry your summer was just ho hum...well fall is your time right!? Love your new Piano ; o )

      xx kelley

  2. WOW! so many great things! I can't wait to hear more!

    1. Hey Carol! Thanks so much...hop all is well in Boston and you are cooking up a bunch of your famous Cabinet Stew!

      Cheers, Kelley

  3. Whew!! You made me tired! Sounds like you had a fun and busy, busy summer.

    I am your newest follower.


    1. Hi Judy! So happy to have you here...thank you and yes I need a big fat nap!

      Kelley ; o }

  4. I am so glad you are back! This is my favorite blog and I cannot wait to see the pictures from the photo shoots and for the issues to be available to purchase. Thank you for all the wonderful eye candy.

    1. Hi Angie, wow now the pressure is on! I did see a few of the shots and they are really great. Professional photography helps!

      xo kelley

  5. Dang Kell, I'm tired just reading all of that! Glad you've been so busy, and in a very good way it sounds like...2 photo shoots...you go girl! And I have that same duvet cover as in the last photo...great minds and all of that! ;)

    xo Kat

  6. The photo shoots and just getting ready for them would have more than enough for most people and dogs, too. Totally enjoyed every picture seeing what summer was like for you. As always, loved seeing Millie and her doggie "comments" such as how she is staring at your concoction of paints etc.!

    1. I know! How funny she is looking at my big pile of paint stuff! She is basically my little shadow

  7. Well, this was like 20 posts so THANK YOU. You are one productive and talented lady!!!

    1. Hi Mary Ann...probably a good idea to just do one post so as not to bore everyone to death with a bunch of my projects!

      xx kelley

  8. Lordy, you've been a busy bee! Love the pictures, adore your kitchen and could be best friends with anyone who loves fresh baked bread as much as I do!

  9. Where the heck have you been? You have been VERY busy!! I can't wait to see the results of all your hard work when it comes out in the magazines. Please tell me they show more of your master bedroom...fingers crossed.

  10. Kelley, This sounds like the perfect Summer! Love your home and especially the kitchen.

  11. Girl...you have been busy....and it sounds like your having fun! Cant wait to see the magazine article...I still haven't finished my home....been busy with work and two elderly parents....I'm hoping I have some time soon to just focus on my home...but I'm loving how yours is looking!

  12. You are a busy bee! I look forward to reading your printed features, again! Congrats! Your home and garden are always so inspiring to me. I read the cottage ones, now I have to be be on the look-out for Cooking Light. I'm not a foodie- I'll grow it, but I always want Dan to prepare my salad. Your boat shoes are too cool...where can I pick up a pair of navy leather ones like those??

  13. Wow, I'm exhausted! Now I know where you've been! You've been one busy gal. Congratulations on your photo shoots. Can't wait to see the magazines. ~Delores

  14. Kelley

    Love the addition of the lime green in your living room and I love the projects you are working on! Congrats on the photo shoot and can't wait to see your beautiful kitchen!!

  15. My goodness! What a wonderful summer! It all looks glorious :)

  16. Wow! Looks like you have had a great summer. And can I just say I LOVE your refrigerator haha!! Blessings from Missouri!

  17. oh how i miss your house, and garden, creative ideas, and you! looks like you've had a wonderful summer! let's meet when you're down as we planned. xo p.s.blog looks so pretty!

  18. Wow, Miss Pebble, that was quite a summer! What a fun post - I read it twice!

  19. Sounds like you had a terrific summer Kelley. My summer went by in a bit of a blur too, and, switching between my two countries always takes a lot of energy, but now life is a bit more settled int he autumn, (until I leave again). I love that you're making your own compost, so good for your garden, and, to me, ticking always looks fresh and summery. The pots, well, I always spend my birthday at RBG Kew where I buy a special pot top commemorate, and this year, for some bizarre reason, there just weren't any pots to buy! How do you like that? :) Hope you're having a lovely autumn.

  20. Wow!! A lot of fun creative days! Love the wrap up!

  21. Great post! Looks like you had a wonderful summer. Question...are those Quatrine sofas in those that you fell in love with, pictured towards the end?

  22. You sure have been busy! Love your photos...quite inspirational.
    I've been missing, too. I've been going through stuff, preparing for our eventual move. We're downsizing... So much to clean out...20 years since our last move! That amounts to so much junk!!!

  23. What a AMAZING post:) your blog Is so beautiful ...do you have bloglovin??

    Check my blog...with stylish Swedish fireplaces:)

    Have a great Sunday dear

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  27. Looking forward to seeing your booth at the Remnants of the Past show next weekend!!


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