Happy Holidays...
today it feels like June so we are out in the garden for a bit of digging and tidying up

I was very late in decorating for the Holidays but at least I got a few things done...just in time!

This year I decided to put the Christmas tree in one of these rolling laundry carts

It actually worked out great because I can roll it around to clean up the dry tree needles and these are somewhat waterproof so no worries with the floor

Millie is my helper and she found this nice little quilt heart decoration 
to use as a pillow...thanks Millie

 Simple is usually better for this little house 
I bought the hand sewn calico quilt hearts 
and tucked them into a French Baguette basket

Little stacks of red books look festive in an old rusty lantern

It's tangerine season 
so I always try to use them in garden trugs and baskets

These are the Satsuma variety and they are so delicious and really easy to peel...if you see them in the Farmers Market definitely try them.  

The mantel got a little pine cone swag and I will light a few candles in the evening

The front door...
just a small pine wreath and some vintage mattress ticking swags

Please take time to 
enjoy the Holiday season with 
your family and friends
and I will see you soon!
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Hello friends!
Lets get caught up...OK?

Lately my life has been a series of events, changes, holidays, 
family, work and gardening...all of which, 
has left me with very little time to devote to blogging

But I'm still here and would love to get re-aquanted with you 
and share a few fun new decorating projects 
and my usual musings and antics 
in the garden and kitchen

lets get going...

 This is my scary old garage/guest room (kidding) just before we loaded up for the
in beautiful San Luis Obispo in November
 I was pretty organized and the packing was not all that bad....yes we made the trip in a u-haul
I know right?....what a way to travel!

My husband kept saying to me....
"Don't ever tell me I don't take you any place nice"

during the unpacking at the venue I fell into 
a complete insane panic.....
 I only had about 5 hours to unpack everything and completely merchandise my booth 
before the opening day on Saturday

It all came together...in the end...
at least I think it did

Flowers from my garden made the trip 
as did lots of signs, pillows, folk art and garden goodies, 
including some fresh limes from the orchard...just in case we wanted  a margarita maybe?!!

 The tractor sign sold almost immediately...remember it from Country Living?
 When the gates open to this event,
 it is a crazy surge of shoppers.

But, most people seemed to know exactly what they were looking for. 

 My booth was pretty packed and super busy, 
but it was fun...yes it really was a ton of fun!

 I managed to meet a few friends...Trino 
was just around the corner.

His booth was amazing and he and his partners are so nice. 
Talk about pros...they know exactly
what goes where
and not a single item looks out of place!

I purchased a really great basket from him and probably should have bought a few other items
but now I will have to visit him at another show....right?

 Clearly, I am seriously cracking myself up about something?

By the way...yes those are overalls...a fashion statement
chosen just for this type of thing.

Notice the extra pockets for:

sales tickets
business cards
wine opener

Carhart work pants, size mens XS...perfect

luckily I had a leather strap on my glasses too or I would have really been in deep trouble

On a side note...I wore a great vintage beaded sweater early in the morning
and set it down in my booth later....could have sold it 10 times!

 On Sunday is was a bit damp and chilly 
 It was great to have a few hours before the gates opened to rearrange and tidy up

 I sold quite a few items for the holidays and baskets went quickly,
probably for Thanksgiving tablescape's

quilts and linens sold too

 My husband was such a trooper.
I really can't believe he did this event with me.

He had a couple of cups of coffee and acted like he'd done this a million times

 all of the small purchases 
found their way into a Polished Pebble Goods gift bag
this was a great item..a vintage 1950's brushed steel lawyers cabinet

I marked it way, way WAY down on Sunday 
and sold it to a really wonderful young college student...she was seriously happy!
Just before we ended the event my husband took my picture
shirt untucked
totally pooped
frizzy hair 
lost glasses

 but still smiling
and yes I might do this again...just in case you were wondering

Thank you
 to all of the friends who so graciously stopped by 
to say hello!

I so appreciate you and your support

and to my blog family
thank you so much too for hang'in  in there with me 

cheers and love

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