Little Yard/Big Ideas

May Gray or June Gloom;  who's your mama ?

For those of us fortunate or unfortunate, as the case may be, to live in Southern California in the early summer, the weather can be really horrible (see above) for weeks on end: note wet patio from continuous drizzle.I have  wanted to do a post about our little patio at our home in Corona Del Mar for quite some time now.  A blog I am taken with is called Color outside the lines and he (Artie) 
 is  hosting a Sunday share-a-post that relates totally to gardens.  
The timing could not be better since our property in Ojai is a monumental list of tasks and our property in Corona Del Mar is basically done. 

 So here is our yard.  With a lot at 30' wide and 80' deep problems abound.  Lack of sun and coastal fog contribute to dismal days much of the year.  Don't get me wrong, we are just a block from the beach is at A PREMIUM.
We have a wonderful cozy space with a fire place and just recently added a fountain.
A water features is essential in a small urban space in that, it can cover up noise and create a sense that you are not actually in a city.  We used three hand thrown urns from Greece and set the back stacked stone directly on the wall.  The wall was notched to allow the water to flow from antique spigots.  The small raised planter is perfect for annuals and succulents.
The spigots are set into antique french tiles place on the diagonal. The bower vines are doing quite well considering the lack of sun but it won't be long before summer arrives and Mrs. Grey and Mrs. Gloom disappear until next year. 

Happy Gardening!!!

Look for my next post about the ongoing Ojai*~kelley
  1. OMgoodness that is INCREDIBLE! I covet where you live!!!! Seriously! a block from the beach! Everything is so beautiful and cozy. Thank you for the tour. **blows kisses** Deborah

  2. Kelley - your pictures are fantastic!!! OH MY GOSH! These are fantastic! I love love love your yard too! That fireplace - wow - SO, JEALOUS! Oh, I'm gonna go back and look for more photos. Thanks for playing along with SAGS! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE come back anytime! :)

  3. Hi Arite, loved your comments and I am so glad you like my fountain.
    Please continue to do as you do and "color outside the lines" !!!


  4. I love your water feature!! What a great idea!

  5. Thanks so is such an improvement and makes a nice dribble noise! kelley

  6. What a wonderful idea for a water feature. Your garden is just lovely.

  7. The details of your design are fabulous and add up to a very appealing space.

  8. a beautifully designed space! love the water feature- those spigots are dreamy. you designed this space, yes? fabulous!

  9. Lovely! Much more interesting than the typical urn fountain. I love this!


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