Vintage Kitchen Cart Roundup

I own one of these funny little shoe repair carts and I  have used it for storage in the kitchen for the most part.   It then, made its way out to the deck, during the summer for serving dinner and finally it was banished to the garage where it has stayed for the last few months,
waiting for me to let it back in the house!
Please let me come back in...I'll be a good cart...I promise

 You can still find these little carts
at antique shows...
they are easy to clean up, easy move around and have a million uses...
because they are so simple
 These happen to be from the White Flower Farm House shop
where the incredibly talented owner Lori, had a few for sale
 This one is in Lori's kitchen and
I think she bleached this rack to brighten the wood...I love it!
But I love everything she does!
 This is an old cupboard made from recycled wood and old doors
that I used in another kitchen
 It is similar to the  look of the carts, with the bleached paneled back and the rustic shelving.
Collected white china looks great in these!
The only thing it is missing are some wheels
Heres a cool looking green one...
you can buy it here

This would be fun to use to dry flowers or herbs
in the garden shed
I saw a similar cart on eBay for $150 dollars...pick up only.... somewhere very far away
very very far...bummer
A really nice big one for sale on 1st dibs
and it seemed reasonably priced too...
what a great item for wine storage 
This is a great looking metal cart from one of my favorite stores:
A pair of French industrial rolling carts...these are really chunky and I love how the top flips up 

this is an old Apothecary cart...with really cute wheels!
Can't you see white china on this one...or big white towels?!
A wood and metal bindery great, but a bit pricey...found all of these all on 1st Dibs 
look at this beautiful cart filled with old vintage ironstone, 
from a great blog called Rusty Hinge

Her collected dinnerware is wonderful!
This makes me want to collect pretty
 The photo above is from Pinterest and I could not track down where it came from...I know you're out there, talented blogger...and I love your cart!

How about the stack of old books in the wire basket!!!!
Wonderful styling going on here!!!!
 Above stylist Kelly McGuill....find her blog here.

She used this in her bathroom
 Restoration Hardware does a few too
 Ya much as I think they do a good job with designing furniture, my heart always sinks a little, when they knock off something vintage,
which originally cost about $200 dollars
and then they attempt to sell their version
for $2000 dollars

but it's big and it does look nice with this table
but sometimes...

I look at the styling in their catalogs and wonder if anything
is actually NOT a knock off

is anything real and original?

do you ever think that?

Halo Styles has a few nice choices

I like the ladder shelf below and this would fit 
in a smaller area like a bathroom
but how great in the kitchen too!

the two below are from Go Home ltd...the metal one has a great top
no wheels but a really unique shape

and this green guy looks kind of interesting  

here is my little cart...
it holds quite a bit of dish ware 
I added a decorative swag this weekend...a few left over clippings and some fruit from the tangerine trees 
 are these the best little carts?

 a  little item to look for next year maybe?

sending out
 good  and happy
thoughts to all...


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  1. This is without doubt the definitive, encyclopedic kitchen cart round-up Kelley! You really love them - I think you deserve a few more...

  2. I have an old cobblers shoe cart in my dining room and use it as a tea cart. Love them and especially yours with the light wood! Marcy

  3. Hey Marcie and Tricia....Thank you and I bet your carts are so pretty!

    Mine is painted now but they are great as is
    ; o ) k

  4. Oh how i wish I could find one!!!

  5. You have introduced me to a fabulous idea!!! These are brilliant and so versatile ... I'm going to keep my eyes open for one in my travels. Happy Holidays, HHL

  6. love this cute lil cart, and those white plates with the words all over....
    also the swag and your wreath (from last post) are beautiful....
    happy holidays, xo

  7. Kelly, I have always loved these carts...and love every single one you many wonderful collections and good ideas....

  8. Kelley~
    Here is the link to mine... I think I need a tall one now!!

  9. I had three of the rolling carts like the one 1st dibs is selling for $600 each. I bought mine at Brimfield about 20 years ago for $45 each and used them in my basement for wine storage. I was told by the dealer that they were used for shoe storage in a factory.

  10. Love this post! I too have it off Ebay about 2 years ago. It is an authentic Rachel Ashwell one from her store she closed in Santa Monica. You will die when I tell you I only paid $75 for it! It has the brass tag and all ;) Right now its in my garage too. Very sad. I have been moving things around, and dont have a place for it this sec. Wont ever get rid of it though ;)

  11. This was such a great post! I have two sort of rustic bakers's racks from Dovetail that I use to store dishes and would be great to find a real antique...with patina.


  12. LOVE these and one would look perfect in my soon to be laundry room. I have been dying for you to post your new kitchen! From the little peaks it looks amazing!

  13. Yay Juxtapostition, love it! But I never hear anyone talk about it. Great carts, thanks for the fun.

  14. Yay Juxtapostition, love it! But I never hear anyone talk about it. Great carts, thanks for the fun.

  15. Great collection. If you can't find your cart here you are in trouble. Thanks for the time and trouble you took to pull this all together. Ann

  16. Merry Christmas, Kelley! Love these carts. I used to sell a lot of these but never kept one, big mistake! And thank you for the comments on Restoration Hardware. Their stores are a feast for the eyes but I have had the same thoughts in recent years.
    Love your posts on the wreath and other DIYs.
    Happy family times to you all.
    xoxo, Chris

  17. I just love this post! The white plates with words in the first picture are you know where they are from???

  18. I love your cart best....hold so many dishes and LOVE your swag of greenery and tangerines! I'm looking for one of these carts starting now! Original.

  19. Great inspirations...once again!

    The cart idea, is a great idea for extra storage in a small space where I cannot afford room for a hutch

  20. I've been coveting one of those carts for a while. You certainly have rounded up a selection, both old and new. Now, if I could just find the perfect place for one!
    Merry Christmas Kelley to you and your family!
    xo Delores

  21. Don't make me chose, PLEASE

    dear friend of mine ...

    you are loved ...


  22. Kelley, you have put these carts on my radar. I plan on visiting a flea market in February, you can be sure I'll be on the lookout for one of these! Thanks!

  23. ALL of it's incarnations! to me about the 'restaurant' dishes in that first pic!!! Love em...

  24. pretty awesome! i love vintage style and i love to organize my kitchen so that i won't be having a hard time if i am looking for something

  25. Hi Kelly, you showed my antique shoe rack above. Could you please link it back to my page It's frustrating when someone pins my pictures and does not include the link back to me. Thank you ~ Deanna


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