A Bite of Orange: Color Inspiration


It may just be the time of year but I seem to be seeing so much orange in magazines lately.  I actually really like orange, especially as an accent color.  It looks beautiful on this table in Ina Gartens dining room

This is how I remember orange used in interiors.  This 1960s kitchen says it all!

Love the Veuve Cliquot orange label

These French iron beds with the spicy duvets and soft tangerine sheets are so pretty

T Keller Donavon used the bright stools for impact in this simple kitchen.  How fun are they!

A seaside inspired bedroom with nautical blue and orange.  If you check out yacht club burgees you will see many versions of orange used in the club flags.

Look in your spice drawer or use vintage fabric for inspiration

This wonderful bedroom by Michael S. Smith is so special.  That wallpaper is the key to this room.

Inspiration from the flower fields of Carlsbad

Kathryn M. Ireland knows how to do bold with fabric.  I absolutely love this chair

The soft blue walls and the amazing quilt are a perfect compliment

A simple cup of orange flowers can do the trick

The subtle orange of Mrs Meyers cleaning product labels

Of course the perfect color of orange can always be found in nature.  I think if you look around you will see some great ideas for using this fun color.
I'm off to squeeze some OJ
~*~best, kelley
  1. If you want to send me your email addy, I'll send you some GREAT photos of my good friends' recent birthday dinner party....her husband had her LONG table completely adorned with incredible ORANGE flowers....it was soooo beautiful!
    it would be fun to add them to your great post on "orange"!
    Have a great day,

  2. Loving this blog!!! Will be coming back to visit!!!
    Mama Holli

  3. Again - a great entry with simply stunning ideas and images. I instantly want to re-do my living room over in decorator's white and hits of blue and orange!

  4. I love orange too....Have a look at my christmas blog:

    Love Hanna

  5. I once saw a photograph in "Cottage Living" of an all white room with this beautiful mini orange tree. The gorgeous little oranges set against the green leaves and white walls just popped! Ever since, I've wanted to have one in our house but they're not cheap, so I don't. ; ) xo Trina

  6. Hi everyone, and thank you for the wonderful comments. I wanted to comment about a book I recently bought called The Southern Cosmopolitan by Susan Sully.

    It's a beautiful book but what is interesting is the amount of orange used as an accent color throughout the book, even on the cover!

    Please check out Hanna's blog...so pretty. And Trina, I love to use Kumquats in the house. They last for about a month in a sunny location and then they do pretty well in a pot!

    Have a wonderful weekend! best~*~kelley

  7. amazing photo selections....that french bedroom with black twin beds! all of them are inspirational. i don't have orange in my home, but i like the color -- bright in the summer, earthy in the winter.


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