Succulents in vintage pottery

Vintage art pottery is such a great collectable but much of it can"t be used for serving food.   I love this old Mexican hand painted stuff and it is perfect for succulents.  I use a cactus mix and add a bit more sand and poke the little cuttings in with a spoon handle.
For what ever reason the look of this pottery mimics the landscape this time of year.  The lavenders and grasses and the whole feel of summer.
Touches of orange in the day-lilies and the blue agave spikes.

These are so fun in the house and on the porch and much prettier than a plain 
terra cotta pot
Hope you had a great weekend!

  1. Beautiful photographs. I love the succulents in the vintage pottery.
    xo, Sherry

  2. My mom just did this with an old pottery bird bath whose base had broken and it was totally cute. I like the old Mexican pottery though too. My grandmother used to have a lot of this pottery so it reminds me of her.

  3. I'm loving your posts on lavenders! It's about the only thing that will A) will grow at my house. AND/OR B) The only think I can't/don't kill!


  4. Great idea for old Mexican pottery!
    Love succulents and their different shapes, sizes & colors. AND durability!

  5. I love the the succulents in the bowl with the painted cactus. I love how they "mirror" each other! Much more interesting than plain terracotta.

  6. Hi Kelley,
    What a great way of using pottery that you love but can't use for food. All those pretty colours of the succulents are really beautiful. Hope you're having a great week.
    Take care
    Tasmania, Australia

  7. Brilliant idea! Using vintage and antique pottery bowls and compotes for succulents is an amazing solution. I may have to plant a few at home!

  8. Brilliant idea! Using vintage and antique pottery bowls and compotes for succulents is an amazing solution. I may have to plant a few at home!


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