Vintage Picnic Tins

 On a recent antiquing journey
 I found a really tattered and dirty old picnic basket

 Although the basket was really unusable, when I opened it up it was full of these wonderful old picnic tins.
 They are porcelain with interesting locking lids....
there we two inside!
 And next to the tins were two wonderful old wicker covered flasks in really great shape...I think I was pretty excited by know the feeling!
 And a few other assorted wicker covered jars and glasses
oh my gosh....a gold mine of wonderful wicker
and all for 30 bucks!
 What is it about vintage wicker that is so warm and interesting 
That is an old asian gardeners hat....just in case you were  wondering!
 Paired on a table next to the last of this seasons roses
the wicker makes a nice little vignette
 I never tire of the David Austin roses...
but they will be gone until probably April

For some reason this photos seems to say that summer is over...
I'm looking forward to about you?
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  1. all the great vintage wicker is AMAZING - very jealous - Lori

  2. What a great find... lucky you! I can't believe you got it all for $30! We have just moved to upstate NY...there are sure to be some good antique spots around I better get on it.
    Happy weekending.

  3. Hej

    What a wonderful find love the picnic tins and the wicker flasks.
    Beautiful roses too!
    LOVE PEACE enJOY this autumn season

  4. What awesome finds! Just goes to show that you should always open things up when you're on the hunt. Thanks for sharing.

  5. LOVE wicker - and love these porcelain tiffins! More great finds Kelley (and the roses...)

  6. I am looking forward to fall but it made me sad to think how much I will miss my garden roses too!

  7. Wow, you did good! Fabulous finds. What antique show did you go to?

  8. Hi Taylor...just a little antique shop

    and thanks all for stopping by.

    Wouldn't it be nice to picnic like they must have done 100 years ago?!

    too wonderful


  9. Hi Kelley! Your wicker finds are astounding! Wow! I can only imagine your reaction to the bonuses!!! You are a lucky girl! They are fantastic. If you want to sell, email me!
    Hugs, Chris

  10. HI Kelley,

    What a find and what you've done with them next to your gorgeous roses...just beautiful!

    xo annie

  11. Lovely melding of roses and wicker together in your photo shoot. I'm drawn to the contrasting textures. andrea@townandprairie

  12. Now how come my vintage picnic baskets never come with great stuff like this?! If they come with anything it is usually a dorky set of plastic dishes, and silverware! Surprisingly I've kept my David Austins alive and they are about to burst. The flowers on mine are very delicate though. If the wind blows too hard the petals fall off, so I can't really use them in arrangements. Weird right? Maybe the flowers toughen up with each year?

  13. LOVE your finds Kelley~ Your photos are wonderful too! xo Rachel

  14. What a score! You really had some great luck shopping, didn't you! I have a new tin container that I bought at a health food store that I use for my sandwich that has a great closure like the ones that you found. Mine are all stainless steel and I like them because of no contamination of plastic on my food. It seems like they had the right idea a long time ago. Why did we think plastic was the answer! Yuck!

  15. Hi Kelley! What great hidden treasures. The wicker flask and lunch boxes are a fabulous find. Thanks for linking to the Open House Party and have a wonderful week.

  16. great finds! i know those days! ;) enjoy all your goodies!

    ashley over @

  17. i'm definitely looking forward to Fall , after this AWFUL heat....and drought....
    your pictures are always amazing Kelley....I wrote down your camera info that last time you talked about it...I'm putting that and another photography class on my Christmas wish list....

  18. Doing a bit of catch up reading here...What a great find! and so inexpensive..did the seller realize its true value?!


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