

I brought all of this home with me on Sunday afternoon from Ojai. 

It was starting to rain and I knew if I didn't pick the tulips and a few of the other gentle flowers they wouldn't last through the storm.
I have so many lemons and oranges right now, I wish my dog Millie could eat them!
I am not very good at arranging flowers but I enjoy doing it.  
Maybe I should take a class or something....?  

My preference is always to use the same flower type and color in a single vase because  I like the simplicity of the single color.  

But the garden gave me so many beautiful things today.
I planted quite a few sweet peas and mixed in some edible peas too. 
 The edible peas look fun hanging over the side of the little vase.  
I threw a few in a salad this weekend and they were sugary sweet.

The blue stalks are a perennial called Pride of Madeira,  
very drought tolerant and great in an arrangement.
The bees love these guys.

The little pink guy below is called Cistus or Rock rose, again very little water required.
This bright flower is from another wonderful succulent
I planted quite a few ranunculus in orange, which in addition to purple is my favorite color in this garden.
Iceland poppies were my first really pretty annual grown in my garden when I was newly married. 
I remember being so proud of these when they ended up in a bouquet.  
How time flies!

My favorite bulb, by far, this spring in the Ojai garden is  Tulip Perestroika.  It's a reddish orange and came up early and just gorgeous.  

The yellow tulip is called Mrs Sheepers

This is how the Perestroika Tulip shines in the garden...amazing!


Hope you had a restful weekend
Thank you to every one who left comments on the last post.  
I had a crazy week and wasn't able to respond to everyone but I laughed at the fact that we all love to stalk furniture...too funny!


  1. Hi Kelley,

    Loved seeing all of your flowers and your fruit!!! Oh my...certainly an abundance. I need to do a lot of work in my garden, it is looking like it needs some TLC. We grow crops here on our farm and that includes peas. I feel sure that if people could eat them how they are meant to be eaten then people would experience the sweet taste that you've mentioned instead of the blanched, bleached and frozen peas that people buy in the supermarket. A lot of work to shell them, but oh so worth it. One question are you going to keep the apples in the water and if yes, how are they keeping? I once put some lemons in a beautiful glass container with a lid but they misted the glass and didn't last for very long! Enjoy your week.
    Take care
    Tasmania, Australia

  2. Love the flowers I so wish I knew how to group them in the garden. We are finnaly getting spring here in MI and it feels soooo good. The little ones are so excited to play outside a gain. I love the comment above mine:) I was born In Launceston, tasmania, Australia!!!

  3. How lucky you are to have sweet peas, tulips, and all the rest right now in your garden. My peas are just emerging from the soil. The tulips are a long way from blooming and even here I consider them to be perennials because they come back every year for me and we have snow. Maybe they are annuals but they behave like perennials! Sweet peas are my flower (born in April) so they have become very special to me. The scent is incredible. Wish it weren't raining today so that I could have gone out into the garden. Is it ever going to stop???

  4. Hi Elma, how funny as my husband is originally from MI

    Janine: I agree about the peas...but lots of work for the fresh ones

    Teri: Sweet peas, just so lovely and the scent, yea I agree.

    xo kel

  5. Hi Kelly,

    I see you are surrounded by citrus too. And you are right, I am lucky to benefit from the groves w/o having to work them. Your flowers are amazing, just absolutely beautiful. I love the pea pods dripping out of the pitcher.


  6. Wow !!! What a beautiful bounty of flowers & fruit!! Thanks for sharing !! Linda

  7. A gorgeous arrangement. You don't need lessons!

    How I wish I had taken the time to plant seeds before now. Unfortunately, the pollen has been exceptionally bad and has confined me to the inside. will end.
    Jane (artfully graced)

  8. Stunning - of course. I've come to expect nothing less than blow-my-socks-off when I log on. :) I was out working all weekend on a new yard detail I know you're going to love. I will be posting about it on Wednesday!

  9. What a beautiful post. Gorgeous flowers and fruit--all from your garden. I wanted to go out and pick some lilacs today. It rained cats and dogs, so I just admired the blooms from my window!

  10. Love your blog and love the flowers!!!
    So cute and happy:)

  11. All of your pictures are so beautiful. They make me want to buy more flowers for the yard!

  12. Have I already told you how jealous I am about your Ojai house AND your gardening ability? Our climate in Houston is tough, but there are till beautiful gardens all around me and the only thing I'm semi ok with are roses. How I long to have blooms to bring indoors all year round.
    PS- your flower arranging skills look great to me!

  13. Absolutely beautiful!!! The peas hanging over the edge of the!

    May is usually our time here for flowers & veggies to start doing their thing. How wonderful that you get to enjoy them now!


  14. Love the peas over the pitcher rim! Great idea and an unexpected one, too. Beautiful!!

  15. Your arrangements are gorgeous. I love how you put apples in the vase! Genius and so perfect!
    Lila Ferraro
    Queen Bedroom Sets


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