Red Hot: Inspiration

 This month in House Beautiful there was a house that I really loved...
 Designer Ellen O'Neill spends her weekend in this little gem in Bridgehampton

 Some of the red I liked, mostly the washed out colors, like the big vintage fixture...and some seemed to strong like the mirror....and the chairs
 This room is wonderful
It was an interesting article and you can read it here.
 The editor asked Ellen O'Neill if she loved red and her answer was,
 that the "red, just sort of happened"
Hey me too!
 In our little condo project I have used red everywhere...and I'm not sure how it happened!
 I think it started here,
 with the bar stools and the navajo rug on the club chair

 Then I used the grey and red French ticking pillows.....
I think Millies collar is red

 More red with black stripes

 Lots of red in the Bennison fabric
 These are some pillows made from 4th of July bunting,  red white and blue...

 Red on the bait bucket lamps

Red in the French Boutis 
 More red on the swiss army blanket
and some of it on the walls
 I even bought a red tin can with a candle in it!
How did this happen?  
I really don't know...
It just did!

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  1. Hi Kelley,

    I have brick red walls in my living room. Sometimes I think I want to repaint them a different color (like a neutral gray)but I can't seem to bring myself to do it.

    BTW, thanks for the recommendation on the jute rug. I have been wanting one for our guest room. I received mine from Overstock and I love it! :)


  2. Lovely and fresh this red and white, I particularly like the white iron bed.
    My French Country Home

  3. Kelley: Love the French ticking pillows. So fresh but timeless.
    Mary Ann

  4. Kelley, I love the red. I really tried on the white, muted palette thing, but I think my world needs primary colors. I especially love that kitchen light fixture. And the many touches of red in your new condo are spot on! So inspiring.

  5. Hi Kelley, I love the faded red and white striped slipcovers from the House Beautiful article! And I love how you've incorporated so many wonderful reds in your condo. I'm completely in love with those bunting pillows and the bait bucket lamp! And Millie is so cute!

    Kat :)

  6. I really like all your touches of red... a little pop of color here and there but not over the top... Biggest take away idea for me was displaying scales next to each other... looks adorable and I have three scattered over here... may copy you on that!

  7. I love how you have "discovered" red with your new condo decor! It just happened! And it looks fabulous. I also love that living room with the stripe sofas. Wow!

  8. Lovely post and great sewing you did there! Have a nice day,
    love Maaike

  9. I love everything about that HB living room! The faded stripe on the sofa, the rug, the red table - yum yum yum! And of course I love just every last inch of your place! : )


  10. Love it Kelley!;) Your new home is looking so beautiful and cozy~You are so talented! I wish you could come visit me in Seattle and help me with my space~ hugs,Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425

  11. Your new home is really looking fantastic! Love the touches of red! I like neutrals, but I'm a color person, too. Thanks for sharing.

  12. I am "seeing red" now! LOL (at my own corny-ness!)
    love it all!!

  13. i love red even more after this post! your home looks beautiful!

  14. Love it, Kelly. I had a lot of red in our home on Lake Michigan. There was just something about it that drew me to use it against the blue of the Lake. I don't know how it happened either because I don't consider myself a red person...and I must say those red chairs kind of assault my eyes (in her dining area)

    I like your use of red, though. I think it you have carried it throughout...just enough of a pop without being overpowering. Good job!! Hugs- Diana

  15. LOL! Red snuck up on me this year, too, Kelley! :) I began incorporating it into my French Country Farmhouse theme with grain sacks. Just enough to bring a little "happy" into the house! :) Loving the way you distributed it throughout your sweet home!

    xoxo laurie

  16. I read that article. I loved the look too. Especially love the sofas covered in fabric from old cabanas. And - I have the same braided carpet as you! I love it. Got mine from Overstock.

  17. I find myself being drawn to red lately, too...just little pops of it here and there. It is so pretty with all my white!


  18. My whole house has red in at and I couldn't live without it. Red and black are my two favorite colors and always have been. I can even remember a red suitcase that I had as a child and still have it. Red makes me happy. My sofa is red. My lampshades are red. My toaster in the kitchen is red; even the art I do has red in it. And, I will always have red. I don't care what trends come and go: red always feel homey, cozy, warm, and inviting to me. Welcome to my world, Kelley!

  19. Love it more and more every time I see it!! Love how you decorated the mantle! Makes the fireplace recede!!

  20. I haven't 'loved' red for years!
    Well yesterday,.. I was recreating the
    living-room space in my head, using RED!

    Lovin' it more now!

  21. I never get tired of seeing your spaces! You are such a great stylist.....this home is so different from your last...isn't it funny how that happens! I love the pops of red but even more all of the different textures you have used to warm up the space.

  22. Red is one of my favorite colors. It keeps popping up in my paintings, pillows, and accessories. When I finished that article (I bought the mag yesterday), I began envisioning the sitting room with red. I have always thought of painting one of the walls...but now I'm thinking to incorporate it with slipcovers and rug....hmmmm.
    Jane (artfully graced)

  23. I loved this house in HB, I love your house, I love red, all of it! Great minds think alike, don't you think?

  24. Hi Kelley,

    I haven't read all the comments above, but happened to read Teri's and I share her love of red too. Red is wonderful, everytime I look at it it makes me feel happy and I aim to have red in every room of my house.

    So glad you featured this article as sometimes and more often than not lately, we haven't been getting American interior magazines. So is was nice to see this article. I love how everything has been put together. The bedrooms and lounge room are my favourite and I understand what you mean about the mirror and dining room chairs. The grey dining room chair on the end of the table is gorgeous, maybe flecked red paint over grey would have toned it down a bit on the other chairs.

    Always love looking at your condo. You do know Kelley breadboards and kitchen scales will be turning up in blogland now. You trail blazer you!!!!!

    Take care
    Tasmania, Australia

    p.s. new font on the header of your blog, nice change!!

  25. Looking back "Red just happened" to me too!
    I was always a pink n green pastel princess then red came into my life without me noticing and now its my favorite color!

    Go RED!!!!!

    Smiles, Dolly

  26. Hello,
    I found you through Flea Market Style magazine. You have a lovely blog and I'm so glad I'm here because I would have missed Ellen O'Neill's article. I've loved her style for years and her take on vintage style is right on.
    If my dh liked that style more my whole house would look like hers!
    Thanks for the link...........I love your decorating style as well!

  27. Thanks for stopping by! I'm really surprised everyone likes red this much BTW....

    Oh and for the record...I don't sew Maaike...maybe a straight stitch here and there but I'm a really lousy sewing machine operator! I am very envious of those who can sew...

    xo kelley

  28. Loved that charming feature and love all your red as well, especially the embroidered bar stools! And love, love, love that Bennison fabric!!

  29. *** Sooooo REFRESHING n' FUN!!! I truly just ADORED it ALLLLLL~~~~ yes, everything!!!!!!!!!

    THANKS for such a "happy space" today!!!

    Linda in AZ *

  30. K: your place is looking so beautiful so quickly. i love love love that bennison. i want it!!!

    thank you for your kind comment. i try to ignore the mean anons, but they do sting, badly. thanks for the support. it is very much appreciated.

  31. Red never looked so lovely. That faded red ticking on the sofa sent me to the moon!
    Happy weekend!
    xo isa

  32. Thank you Thank you Thank you

    I agree about Bennison! Scrumptious


  33. Oh my goodness! So very beautiful and i'm not even a red kind of girl!!!

  34. I loved that red house in the "pink" issue too...but your project looks great. Wonderful details. I'll bet that coffee can candle is from Juxtaposition??

  35. I featured your condo redo on my blog today! It is stunning!


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